Jean-Marc LEBEL
+33 2 31 56 56 62

Thèmes de recherche

Mots clés : Mollusques marins – Stress environnemental – Contaminants d’origine anthropiques – Biominéralisation –  Hémocytes – H. tuberculata – C. gigas – Approches in situ, milieu contrôlé, cultures cellulaires.

Nos activités de recherche concernent l’étude des réponses physiologiques des mollusques marins aux contraintes environnementales, notamment l’exposition chronique aux contaminants d’origine anthropique. L’un des exemples concerne le système immunitaire qui représente l’un des acteurs majeurs de l’intégrité de l’organisme. De nombreux travaux ont pu mettre en évidence que certains contaminants d’origine anthropique pouvaient avoir un effet perturbateur sur l’efficacité immunitaire (immuno-suppression) pouvant aboutir à une fragilisation des individus voire leur mortalité. Nos travaux visent à analyser la façon dont les organismes marins (mollusques) peuvent développer des stratégies d’acclimatation dans un environnement (écosystèmes côtiers) soumis à une influence anthropique croissante (changement globaux et/ou locaux) à l’origine d’un milieu de vie de plus en plus fluctuant et « stressant ».

Les programmes développés consistent à combiner les approches in situ, en milieu contrôlé (exposition des organismes), et in vitro (cultures primaires d’hémocytes). Ainsi, les niveaux d’étude vont de l’organisme (survie, système immunitaire, reproduction/développement, biominéralisation), au cellulaire/moléculaire (cultures cellulaires – PCR en temps réel). Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le cadre de programmes tels que :

1- Programme Européen Inter-reg IV A–CHRONEXPO (2009-14). “Studies on the effects of chronic exposure of marine organisms to contaminants from industry in the English channel”. Col : LERFA, IRSN Cherbourg – Department of Biology & Environmental Science, Brighton – School of Biological Sciences, Plymouth)

2- Programme EMERGENCE Région Basse-Normandie–INNOTOX 2 (2009-12). Ce programme s’inscrit dans le cadre de la réglementation REACH (Registration, Evaluation Autorisation of CHemicals) relative aux substances chimiques. Col : CERMN (Centre d’études & de Recherche sur le médicament de Normandie), EA 4852 UCBN

3- ANR Pharm@ Ecotox (2011-14). “Résidus pharmaceutiques et écotoxicologie en milieu marin”. Ce programme vise à rechercher la présence de produits pharmaceutiques (approche analytique) dans les écosystèmes côtiers (Seine-Normandie) et à analyser l’écotoxicité de ces molécules chez des modèles marins (mollusques et algues). Col : CERM, UCBN, Biodiversité, Ecosystèmes (LIEBE, UMR 7146 CNRS, Metz) et Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM, UMR 5255, CNRS, Bordeaux).

4- ANR IPOC France-Québec (2013-16). Il s’agit ici d’analyser les “interactions entre les effets des contaminants d’origine anthropique et les changements climatiques globaux”. Col : LEMAR, UMR CNRS/UBO/IRD/IFREMER 6539, IUEM Plouzané-Brest, SEBIO (UMR-I 02 CNRS, Reims–Le Havre) et INRS – Institut Armand-Frappier, Université du Québec.

5- Programme National SEAMINEROIL (2009-2012). Programme labellisé dans le cadre du 7ème appel à projet (FUI – Fonds interministériel des pôles de compétitivité) dans le cadre du pôle AQUIMER . Ce projet a pour objet de valoriser les fractions minérales des co-produits issus de la pêche et de l’aquaculture. Les domaines de la nutraceutique (ostéo-articulaire) et de la dermo-cosmétique sont également visés. Col : EA 4652 – Microenvironnement Cellulaire et Pathologies (MILPAT, UCBN)

Enseignements et diffusions des connaissances

IBFA (Institut de Biologie Appliquée & Fondamentale) – UCBNEcologie & Ecophysiologie, notamment :

  • L2, CM, module Ecologie 1  « Populations & écosystèmes », Resp. Module,
  • L3, CM, modules Ecologie 2 « Dynamique & génétique des populations », &  « Structure et fonction dans le règne animal »
  • M1, module «Ecologie appliquée aux peuplements & écosystèmes, Ecotoxicologie Marine »,
  • M1, module «Facteurs du milieu et adaptations»Resp. Module
  • M2 PRO/RECHERCHE (Spécialité AQUACAEN, Resp.)», Pêche & Aquaculture, Ecosystèmes côtiers : gestion & qualité
  • M2 R Biologie-Cellulaire  Caen-Rouen, « Composantes matricielles ».

Responsabilités administratives

  • Directeur CREC (Centre de Recherches en Environnement Côtier – Station Marine UCBN)
  • Coordinateur ACS 67ème section Université de Caen Basse-Normandie

Galerie d'images

Article dans une revue


Nivelais, L., Levallois, A., Basuyaux, O., Costil, K., Lebel, J.-M., Larsonneur, S., Guichard, G., Serpentini, A., & Caplat, C. (2023). Effects on Growth of Juvenile Abalones Haliotis tuberculata Under Chronic Exposition to Metals Released from the Dissolution of an Aluminium-Based Galvanic Anode. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 84 (1), 32-44. <10.1007/s00244-022-00975-y>. <hal-04008377>. PDF


Levallois, A., Caplat, C., Basuyaux, O., Lebel, J.-M., Laisney, A., Costil, K., & Serpentini, A. (2022, Jun). Effects of chronic exposure of metals released from the dissolution of an aluminium galvanic anode on the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Toxicology, 249, 106223. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2022.106223>. <hal-03706222>. PDF


Mottier, A., Serpentini, A., Dallas, L., James, A., Lebel, J.-M., & Costil, K. (2020, May). In vitro effects of glyphosate-based herbicides and related adjuvants on primary culture of hemocytes from Haliotis tuberculata. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 100, 1-8. <10.1016/j.fsi.2020.02.058>. <hal-02904691>. PDF


Ladhar-chaabouni, R., Houel, T., Lebel, J.-M., Hamza-chaffai, A., & Serpentini, A. (2019). Effects of fluoride on primary cultured haemocytes from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata. Invertebrate Survival Journal, 16 (1), 1-7. <10.25431/1824-307X/isj.v0i0.1-7>. <hal-02278001>. PDF


Basuyaux, O., Blin, J.-L., Costil, K., Richard, O., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2018). Assessing the impacts of several algae-based diets on cultured European abalone (Haliotis tuberculata). Aquatic Living Resources, 31, 28. <10.1051/alr/2018018>. <hal-02277570>.
Bouyoucef, M., Rakic, R., Gómez-leduc, T., Latire, T., Marin, F., Leclercq, S., Carreiras, F., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., Galéra, P., & Legendre, F. (2018). Regulation of extracellular matrix synthesis by shell extracts from the marine bivalve Pecten maximus in human articular chondrocytes - Application for cartilage engineering.. Marine Biotechnology, 20 (4), 436-450. <10.1007/s10126-018-9807-7>. <hal-01861438>. PDF


Ladhar-chaabouni, R., Houel, T., Serpentini, A., Karray, S., Lebel, J.-M., & Hamza-chaffai, A. (2017, Apr). Responses of primary cultured haemocytes derived from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata to an industrial effluent exposure. Cytotechnology, 69 (2), 191-200. <10.1007/s10616-016-0050-7>. <hal-02278019>.
Latire, T., Legendre, F., Bouyoucef, M., Marin, F., Carreiras, F., Rigot-jolivet, M., Lebel, J.-M., Galéra, P., & Serpentini, A. (2017, Oct). Shell extracts of the edible mussel and oyster induce an enhancement of the catabolic pathway of human skin fibroblasts, in vitro. Cytotechnology, 69 (5), 815-829. <10.1007/s10616-017-0096-1>. <hal-01588926>.
Séguin, A., Mottier, A., Perron, C., Lebel, J.M., Serpentini, A., & Costil, K. (2017, Apr). Sub-lethal effects of a glyphosate-based commercial formulation and adjuvants on juvenile oysters ( Crassostrea gigas ) exposed for 35 days. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 117 (1-2), 348-358. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.02.028>. <hal-02277666>.


Di Poi, C., Evariste, L., Séguin, A., Mottier, A., Pédelucq, J., Lebel, J.-M., Serpentini, A., Budzinski, H., & Costil, K. (2016, Mar). Sub-chronic exposure to fluoxetine in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea gigas): uptake and biological effects. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (6), 5002-5018. <10.1007/s11356-014-3702-1>. <hal-02277620>.
Séguin, A., Caplat, C., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J., Menet-nedelec, F., & Costil, K. (2016, Mar). Metal bioaccumulation and physiological condition of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reared in two shellfish basins and a marina in Normandy (northwest France). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 106 (1-2), 202-214. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.068>. <hal-01299737>. PDF


Ladhar-chaabouni, R., Machreki-ajmi, M., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., & Hamza-chaffai, A. (2015). Does a short-term exposure to cadmium chloride affects haemocyte parameters of the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 17343--17349. <10.1007/s11356-014-3387-5>. <hal-02278061>.
Mottier, A., Séguin, A., Devos, A., Pabic, C.L., Voiseux, C., Lebel, J.-M., Serpentini, A., Fievet, B., & Costil, K. (2015, Jun). Effects of subchronic exposure to glyphosate in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea gigas): From molecular to individual levels. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95 (2), 665-677. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.10.026>. <hal-02277641>.


Di Poi, C., Evariste, A., Serpentini, A., Halm-lemeille, M.-P., Lebel, J.-M., & Costil, K. (2014). Toxicity of five antidepressant drugs on embryo-larval development and metamorphosis success in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21,, 13302-13314. <hal-01116464>.
Halm-lemeille, M.-P., Fard Elham, A., Latire, T., Ferard, J.-F., Costil, K., Lebel, J.-M., Bureau, R., & Serpentini, A. (2014, Sep). The effect of different polychlorinated biphenyls on two aquatic models, the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and the haemocytes from the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata. Chemosphere, 110, 120-128. <10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.02.023>. <hal-01076671>.
Latire, T., Legendre, F., Bigot, N., Carduner, L., Kellouche, S., Bouyoucef, M., Carreiras, F., Marin, F., Lebel, J.-M., Galéra, P., & Serpentini, A. (2014). Shell Extracts from the Marine Bivalve Pecten maximus Regulate the Synthesis of Extracellular Matrix in Primary Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), e99931. <10.1371/journal.pone.0099931>. <hal-01366292>. PDF
Le Pabic, C., Goux, D., Guillamin, M., Safi, G., Lebel, J.-M., Kouéta, N., & Serpentini, A. (2014, Jul). Hemocyte morphology and phagocytic activity in the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis).. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 40 (2), 362-373. <10.1016/j.fsi.2014.07.020>. <hal-01062067>. PDF
Le Pabic, C., Safi, G., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., Robin, J.-P., & Kouéta, N. (2014, May). Prophenoloxidase system, lysozyme and protease inhibitor distribution in the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 172-173, 96-104. <10.1016/j.cbpb.2014.04.009>. <hal-00994223>. PDF
Letullier, A., Minguez, L., Costil, K., Halm-lemeille, M.-P., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2014, Dec). In vitro effect of five pharmaceuticals on the viability of the European abalone hemocytes, Haliotis tuberculata. Journal of Xenobiotics, 4 (2), 1148-1155. <10.4081/xeno.2014.4900>. <hal-02364713>. PDF
Minguez, L., Farcy, E., Ballandonne, C., Lepailleur, A., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., Bureau, R., & Halm-lemeille, M.-P. (2014, Aug). Acute toxicity of 8 antidepressants: What are their modes of action?. Chemosphere, 108, 314 - 319. <10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.057>. <hal-01800717>.
Minguez, L., Di Poi, C., Farcy, E., Ballandonne, C., Benchouala, A., Bojic, C., Cossu-leguille, C., Costil, K., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., & Halm-lemeille, M.-P. (2014, Nov). Comparison of the sensitivity of seven marine and freshwater bioassays as regards antidepressant toxicity assessment. Ecotoxicology, 23 (9), 1744 - 1754. <10.1007/s10646-014-1339-y>. <hal-01775302>.
Minguez, L., Halm-lemeille, M.-P., Costil, K., Bureau, R., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2014, Aug). Assessment of cytotoxic and immunomodulatory properties of four antidepressants on primary cultures of abalone hemocytes (Haliotis tuberculata). Aquatic Toxicology, 153, 3 - 11. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.020>. <hal-01800718>.
Mottier, A., Bouchart, V., Dubreule, C., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.M., & Costil, K. (2014, Jan). Effects of acute exposures to mecoprop, mecoprop-p and their biodegradation product (2-MCP) on the larval stages of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Toxicology, 146, 165-175. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.11.008>. <hal-02277630>.
Rioult, D., Ben Cheikh, Y., Péden, R., Bultelle, F., Betoulle, S., Lebel, J.-M., & Le Foll, F. (2014, Dec). Motility of adherent hemocytes as a potential marker of immunocompetence and immunotoxic effects in bivalves. Journal of Xenobiotics, 4, 76-77. <10.4081/xeno.2014.4899>. <hal-02314802>. PDF


Costil, K., Le Pabic, C., Mottier, A., Kouéta, N., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2013, Oct). Proceedings of the symposium ‘marine invertebrate cell culture’. Cytotechnology, 65 (5), 673-689. <10.1007/s10616-013-9610-2>. <hal-02277648>.
Mottier, A., Kientz-bouchart, V., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.M., Jha, A., & Costil, K. (2013, Mar). Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on embryo-larval development and metamorphosis in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Toxicology, 128-129, 67-78. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.12.002>. <hal-02277628>.
Rioult, D., Lebel, J.-M., & Le Foll, F. (2013, Oct). Cell tracking and velocimetric parameters analysis as an approach to assess activity of mussel (Mytilus edulis) hemocytes in vitro. Cytotechnology, 65 (5), 749-758. <10.1007/s10616-013-9558-2>. <hal-02314805>.


Caplat, C., Mottin, E., Lebel, J.-M., Serpentini, A., Barillier, D., & Mahaut, M.-L. (2012, May). Impact of a Sacrificial Anode as Assessed by Zinc Accumulation in Different Organs of the Oyster \textlessi\textgreaterCrassostrea gigas\textless/i\textgreater: Results from Long- and Short-Term Laboratory Tests. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62 (4), 638-649. <10.1007/s00244-011-9737-0>. <hal-02314103>.
Latire, T., Le Pabic, C., Mottin, E., Mottier, A., Costil, K., Kouéta, N., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2012, Mar). Responses of primary cultured haemocytes from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata under 10-day exposure to cadmium chloride. Aquatic Toxicology, 109, 213-221. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2011.09.017>. <hal-02278077>.
Mottin, E., Caplat, C., Latire, T., Mottier, A., Mahaut, M.-L., Costil, K., Barillier, D., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2012, Sep). Effect of zinc sacrificial anode degradation on the defence system of the Pacific oyster, \textlessi\textgreaterCrassostrea gigas\textless/i\textgreater: Chronic and acute exposures. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64 (9), 1911-1920. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.06.017>. <hal-02314104>.
Pavat, C., Zanella-cléon, I., Becchi, M., Medakovic, D., Luquet, G., Guichard, N., Alcaraz, G., Dommergues, J.-L., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., & Marin, F. (2012, Apr). The shell matrix of the pulmonate land snail Helix aspersa maxima.. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 161 (4), 303-314. <10.1016/j.cbpb.2011.12.003>. <hal-00672366>.
Pavat, C., Zanella-cléon, I., Becchi, M., Medakovic, D., Luquet, G., Guichard, N., Alcaraz, G., Dommergues, J.-L., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., & Marin, F. (2012, Apr). The shell matrix of the pulmonate land snail Helix aspersa maxima. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 161 (4), 303-314. <10.1016/j.cbpb.2011.12.003>. <hal-02278074>.


Farcy, E., Voiseux, C., Robbes, I., Lebel, J.-M., & Fievet, B. (2011, Jul). Effect of ionizing radiation on the transcription levels of cell stress marker genes in the pacific oyster crassostrea gigas. Radiation Research, 176 (1), 38-48. <10.1667/RR2525.1>. <hal-02954941>.
Fleury, C., Serpentini, A., Kypriotou, M., Renard, E., Galéra, P., & Lebel, J.-M. (2011, Oct). Characterization of a Non-fibrillar-Related Collagen in the Mollusc Haliotis tuberculata and its Biological Activity on Human Dermal Fibroblasts. Marine Biotechnology, 13 (5), 1003-1016. <10.1007/s10126-011-9364-9>. <hal-02278079>.


Mottin, E., Caplat, C., Mahaut, M.-L., Costil, K., Barillier, D., Lebel, J.-M., & Serpentini, A. (2010, Nov). Effect of in vitro exposure to zinc on immunological parameters of haemocytes from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 29 (5), 846-853. <10.1016/j.fsi.2010.07.022>. <hal-02278080>.


Farcy, &., Voiseux, C., Lebel, J.-M., & Fiévet, B. (2009, Jul). Transcriptional expression levels of cell stress marker genes in the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to acute thermal stress. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 14 (4), 371-380. <10.1007/s12192-008-0091-8>. <hal-02988579>.


Farcy, E., Fleury, C., Lelong, C., Dubos, M.-P., Voiseux, C., Fiévet, B., & Lebel, J. (2008, Jun). Molecular cloning of a new member of the p53 family from the Pacific oyster and seasonal pattern of its transcriptional expression level. Marine Environmental Research, 66 (2), 300. <10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.04.006>. <hal-00501969>. PDF
Fleury, C., Marin, F., Marie, B., Luquet, G., Thomas, J., Josse, C., Serpentini, A., & Lebel, J.-M. (2008, Jun). Shell repair process in the green ormer Haliotis tuberculata: a histological and microstructural study.. Tissue and Cell, 40 (3), 207-218. <10.1016/j.tice.2007.12.002>. <hal-00275440>.
Fleury, C., Marin, F., Marie, B., Luquet, G., Thomas, J., Josse, C., Serpentini, A., & Lebel, J. (2008, Jun). Shell repair process in the green ormer Haliotis tuberculata: A histological and microstructural study. Tissue and Cell, 40 (3), 207-218. <10.1016/j.tice.2007.12.002>. <hal-02278088>.


Acolas, M.-L., Roussel, J.-M., Lebel, J.M., & Baglinière, J.-L. (2007). Laboratory experiment on survival, growth and tag retention following PIT injection into the body cavity of juvenile brown trout (salmo trutta). Fisheries Research, 86 (2-3), 280-284. <10.1016/j.fishres.2007.05.011>. <hal-01453738>.
Farcy, E., Serpentini, A., Fiévet, B., & Lebel, J.-M. (2007, Apr). Identification of cDNAs encoding HSP70 and HSP90 in the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: Transcriptional induction in response to thermal stress in hemocyte primary culture. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 146 (4), 540-550. <10.1016/j.cbpb.2006.12.006>. <hal-02278095>.
Farcy, E., Voiseux, C., Lebel, J.-M., & Fiévet, B. (2007, Mar). Seasonal changes in mRNA encoding for cell stress markers in the oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to radioactive discharges in their natural environment. Science of the Total Environment, 374 (2-3), 328-341. <10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.11.014>. <hal-03008517>.
Frouël, S., Le Bihan, E., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J., Kouéta, N., & Nicolas, J. (2007, Oct). Preliminary Study of the Effects of Commercial Lactobacilli Preparations on Digestive Metabolism of Juvenile Sea Bass \textlessi\textgreater(Dicentrarchus labrax)\textless/i\textgreater. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 14 (1-3), 100-106. <10.1159/000106088>. <hal-02278091>.


Charles, K., Roussel, J.-M., Lebel, J., Baglinière, J.-L., & Ombredane, D.D. (2006). Genetic differentiation between anadromous and freshwater resident brown trout (Salmo trutta L.): insights obtained from stable isotope analysis. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 15 (3), 255-263. <10.1111/j.1600-0633.2006.00149.x>. <hal-01453573>.


Poncet, J.-M., Serpentini, A., Thiebot, B., Villers, C., Jean, B., Boucaud-camou, E., & Lebel, J.-M. (2000). In Vitro Synthesis of Proteoglycans and Collagen in Primary Cultures of Mantle Cells from the Nacreous Mollusk, Haliotis tuberculata: A New Model for Study of Molluscan Extracellular Matrix. Marine Biotechnology. <10.1007/PL00021685>. <hal-02278139>.
Serpentini, A., Chaffic, G., Virginie, H., Galéra, P., Pujol, J.-P., Boucaud-camou, E., & Lebel, J.-M. (2000). Collagen study and regulation of the de novo synthesis by IGF-I in hemocytes from the gastropod mollusc, Haliotis tuberculata. Journal of Experimental Zoology. <hal-02278184>.


Gac, A., Lafon, J., & Lebel, J.-M. (1966). ESSAI DE CONSERVATION DE LONGUE DUREE DES VIANDES SURGELEES. bulletin technique de génie rural (76), 38. <hal-02604193>.

Communication dans un congrès


Costil, K., Di Poi, C., Serpentini, A., Dubreule, C., Tanguy, C., Lebel, J.-M., Kientz-bouchart, V., & Halm-lemeille, M. (2016, Oct). Évaluation de la sensibilité des organismes et de la toxicité de polluants émergents seuls ou en mélange lors d’expositions aiguës. Paper presented at the FORUM ECO-TOX de Rovaltain, Valence, France. <hal-04776997>.
Di Poi, C., Dubreule, C., Tanguy, C., Lebel, J.-M., Serpentini, A., Kientz-bouchart, V., Halm-lemeille, M., & Costil, K. (2016, May). Effets de polluants émergents seuls ou en mélange sur le développement embryo-larvaire et la métamorphose de l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas. Paper presented at the 12ème colloque du Réseau ÉcoBIM, Le Havre, France. <hal-04777006>.


Mottier, A., Seguin, A., Kientz-bouchart, V., Dubreule, C., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J., & Costil, K. (2014). Effects of herbicides on the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas using the embryo-larval and metamorphosis assays - Forum Pegaseas -Science et gouvernance de l’écosystème de la Manche. Paper presented at the Forum Trans-Manche, Caen, France. <hal-04773432>.


Mottier, A., Kientz-bouchart, V., Serpentini, A., Lebel, J.-M., Jha, A., & Costil, K. (2012, May). Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on embryo-larval development and metamorphosis in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Paper presented at the 6th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany. <hal-04804840>.


Levallois, A., Nivelais, L., Basuyaux, O., Lebel, J.-M., Costil, K., Serpentini, A., & Caplat, C. (2022, May). Effects on growth of juvenile abalone Haliotis tuberculata under chronic exposure to metals released from the dissolution of an aluminum-based galvanic anode. Paper presented at the Pollutant Responses In Marine Organisms, Goteborg, Sweden. <hal-03897959>.