CREC, Luc sur Mer
+33 2 31 36 22 33

Thèmes de recherche

Mots clés : Producteurs primaires, photosynthèse,  phytoplancton, algues, écophysiologie, TEP, récifs artificiels, haute fréquence, écosystèmes côtiers.

Approche écophysiologique de l’étude des algues marines et de la production primaire marine : Des cultures aux écosystèmes côtiers.

Mes axes de recherches sont les suivants :

  • Étude des successions et de la production phytoplanctonique en développant une approche écophysiologique. Etude des relations production / diversité in situ.
  • Étude de la dynamique de la production primaire en développant des approches permettant d’accéder à des mesures de production à haute fréquence spatio-temporelle (couplage de la fluorescence modulée et des traceurs isotopiques du carbone) : ex: bouée instrumentée SMILE
  • Étude de la relation productivité / biodiversité dans les écosytèmes côtiers et estuairiens
  • Étude de la productivité et de biodiversité des algues sur des récifs artificiels et des substrats durs – Mesures en plongée
  • Étude de l’orientation métabolique des flux de carbone depuis l’acquisition du carbone par le biais de la photosynthèse jusqu’à son excrétion (TEP, EPS) en fonction des facteurs du milieu.
  • Étude de l’écophysiologie des diatomées avec un intérêt particulier pour la diatomée du genre Pseudo-nitzschia pendant de nombreuses années

Principaux programmes de recherche:

  • Programme européen Interreg IVa CHARM3 (2009-2012). CHannel integrated Approach for marine Resource Management – Phase 3
  • Programme national LEFE, CNRS INSU – CROCOCYCLE (2009-2012). Metabolic regulations of nitrogen (N2) fixation, carbon acquisition and their dependence on the cell cycle in unicellular cyanobacteria
  • Programme ANR COMANCHE (2011-2014). Interactions écosystémiques et impacts anthropiques dans les populations de COquilles Saint-Jacques de la MANCHE
  • Programme TAPAS (2012-2013) Toxic Algal blooms Phenology in the bAy of Seine)
  • Programme LITEAU – FLAM (2013-2015) efFLorescences microAlgales en Manche : rôle des bassins versant sur le développement du phytoplancton toxique
  • Programme européen Interreg IVa RECIF (2013-2015). Réutilisation de coproduits marins en récifs artificiels et suivi de l’impact environnemental d’un récif artificiel
  • Programme GIP Seine Aval  (2014-2017). PROUESSE – Production primaire dans l’estuaire de Seine
  • Programme SMILE . Système de Mesure Instrumenté pour l’Environnement Littoral. Agence de l’eau Seine Normandie, FEDER.
  • Programme  H202. JERICO NEXT (2015-2019).
  • Programme GIP Seine Aval (SA6) (2019-2022). SARTRE – Seine Aval : Réseaux Trophiques Estuariens.
  • Programme européen Interreg Va (2018-2023) – MARINEFF – MARine INfrastructures EFFects.
  • Programme DYSTRO-B  (2023-2026). Eutrophisation et dystrophie en Baie de Seine : Impacts sur la structure des communautés phytoplanctoniques et leur productivité. AESN – Région Normandie
  • Programme Prioritaire de Recherche « Océan & Climat » RIOMAR (2022- 2027) : Observer et anticiper l’évolution des zones côtières françaises sous influence des fleuves au 21e siècle.

Enseignements et diffusions des connaissances

Responsable du Master 2 – Recherche AQUACAEN – spécialité « Exploitation des Ressources Vivantes Côtières » du Master « Sciences des Environnements Continentaux et Côtiers

Principaux enseignements :

  • Ecophysiologie des algues
  • Biologie végétale
  • Fonctionnement et gestion des écosystèmes côtiers
  • Production de microalgues

Expertise et valorisation

  • Coordination de projets scientifiques
  • Co-coordinateur du Service National d’Observation du Phytoplancton – PHYTOBS-Network –
  • Plongeur Scientifique – CAH Classe 2B – COH de l’Univesité de Caen Normandie

Responsabilités administratives

  • Directeur de la Structure Fédérative de Recherche – Mer Littoral Normand (SFR MerLiN)
  • Directeur de l’US EMERODE de l’Université de Caen Normandie.
  • Responsable de l’équipe FORSEAS

Galerie d'images

Article dans une revue


Hervé, V., Morelle, J., Lambourdière, J., Lopez, P.J., & Claquin, P. (2025). Together throughout the year: seasonal patterns of bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities in a macrotidal estuary. Environmental Microbiome, 20 (1), 8. <10.1186/s40793-025-00664-y>. <hal-04903207>. PDF


Raoux, A., Salaün, J., Pezy, J.-P., Vivier, B., Navon, M., Deloor, M., Claquin, P., Pioch, S., Niquil, N., & Dauvin, J.-C. (2024). Trophic Modelling, a Key Framework to Provide Adapted Metrics to Feedback Ecological Performance of Artificial Structures. SSRN : Social Science Research Network. <10.2139/ssrn.4711725>. <hal-04730328>.
Taormina, B., Leclerc, J.-C., Rusig, A.-M., Navon, M., Deloor, M., Claquin, P., & Dauvin, J.-C. (2024, Oct). Diversity and structure of epibenthic communities across subtidal artificial hard habitats in the Bay of Cherbourg (English Channel). Biofouling, 1-15. <10.1080/08927014.2024.2419572>. <hal-04761463>.


Breton, E., Savoye, N., Rimmelin-maury, P., Sautour, B., Goberville, E., Lheureux, A., Cariou, T., Ferreira, S., Agogué, H., Alliouane, S., Aubert, F., Aubin, S., Berthebaud, E., Blayac, H., Blondel, L., Boulart, C., Bozec, Y., Bureau, S., Caillo, A., Cauvin, A., Cazes, J.-B., Chasselin, L., Claquin, P., Conan, P., Cordier, M.-A., Costes, L., Crec’hriou, R., Crispi, O., Crouvoisier, M., David, V., Del Amo, Y., De Lary, H., Delebecq, G., Devesa, J., Domeau, A., Durozier, M., Emery, C., Feunteun, E., Fauchot, J., Gentilhomme, V., Geslin, S., Giraud, M., Grangeré, K., Grégori, G., Grossteffan, E., Gueux, A., Guillaudeau, J., Guillou, G., Harrewyn, M., Jolly, O., Jude-lemeilleur, F., Labatut, P., Labourdette, N., Lachaussée, N., Lafont, M., Lagadec, V., Lambert, C., Lamoureux, J., Lanceleur, L., Lebreton, B., Lecuyer, E., Lemeille, D., Leredde, Y., Leroux, C., Leynaert, A., L'helguen, S., Liénart, C., Macé, E., Maria, E., Marie, B., Marie, D., Mas, S., Mornet, L., Mostajir, B., Mousseau, L., Nowaczyk, A., Nunige, S., Parra, R., Paulin, T., Pecqueur, D., Petit, F., Pineau, P., Raimbault, P., Rigaut-jalabert, F., Salmeron, C., Salter, I., Sauriau, P.-G., Seuront, L., Sultan, E., Valdès, R., Vantrepotte, V., Vidussi, F., Voron, F., Vuillemin, R., Zudaire, L., & Garcia, N. (2023, Apr). Data quality control considerations in multivariate environmental monitoring: experience of the French coastal network SOMLIT. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 12. <10.3389/fmars.2023.1135446>. <hal-04083118>. PDF
Levallois, A., Vivier, B., Caplat, C., Goux, D., Orvain, F., Lebel, J.-M., Claquin, P., Chasselin, L., Basuyaux, O., & Serpentini, A. (2023, May). Aluminium-based galvanic anode impacts the photosynthesis of microphytobenthos and supports the bioaccumulation of metals released. Aquatic Toxicology, 258, 106501. <10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106501>. <hal-04196500>.
Sauvey, A., Claquin, P., Le Roy, B., Jolly, O., & Fauchot, J. (2023, Feb). Physiological conditions favorable to domoic acid production by three Pseudo-nitzschia species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 559, 151851. <10.1016/j.jembe.2022.151851>. <hal-04282756>.
Serre-fredj, L., Chasselin, L., Jolly, O., & Claquin, P. (2023, Jun). Complex drivers of primary production along an anthropised estuary (Seine estuary-France). Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. <10.3389/fenvs.2023.1216732>. <hal-04617038>. PDF
Vivier, B., Faucheux-bourlot, C., Orvain, F., Chasselin, L., Jolly, O., Navon, M., Boutouil, M., Goux, D., Dauvin, J.-C., & Claquin, P. (2023, Oct). Influence of nutrient enrichment on colonisation and photosynthetic parameters of hard substrate marine microphytobenthos. Biofouling, 1-18. <10.1080/08927014.2023.2261852>. <hal-04227448>.


Claquin, P., Vivier, B., Navon, M., Rusig, A., Mussio, I., Chasselin, L., Deloor, M., Dauvin, J.-C., Boutouil, M., & Orvain, F. (2022, Jul). Primary production assessment on eco-engineering infrastructures: English Channel case study. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1245 (1), 012011. <10.1088/1757-899x/1245/1/012011>. <hal-03770402>. PDF
Georges, M., Bourguiba, A., Boutouil, M., Chateigner, D., Jolly, O., & Claquin, P. (2022, Feb). Interaction between the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium and a siliceous mortar in a silica-limited environment. Construction and Building Materials, 321, 126277. <10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126277>. <hal-03526755>. PDF
Inomura, K., Masuda, T., Eichner, M., Rabouille, S., Zav\v Rel, T.S., \v Cervený, J., Vancová, M., Bernát, G., Armin, G., Claquin, P., Kotabová, E., Stephan, S., Suggett, D.J., Deutsch, C., & Prá\v Sil, O.R. (2022). Erratum to "Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation" [Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 19 (2021) 6456--6464]. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20, 385. <10.1016/j.csbj.2021.12.037>. <hal-03543449>. PDF
Rabouille, S., Tournier, L., Duhamel, S., Claquin, P., Crispi, O., Talec, A., Landolfi, A., & Oschlies, A. (2022). Organic Phosphorus Scavenging Supports Efficient Growth of Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria Under Phosphate Depletion. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 848647. <10.3389/fmicb.2022.848647>. <hal-03721415>. PDF
Serre-fredj, L., Chasselin, L., Jolly, O., Jacqueline, F., & Claquin, P. (2022, Mar). Colimitation assessment of phytoplankton growth using a resource use efficiency approach in the Bay of Seine (French-English Channel). Journal of Environmental Management, 306, 114487. <10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114487>. <hal-03538998>. PDF
Taormina, B., Claquin, P., Vivier, B., Navon, M., Pezy, J.-P., Raoux, A., & Dauvin, J.-C. (2022, May). A review of methods and indicators used to evaluate the ecological modifications generated by artificial structures on marine ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 310, 114646. <10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114646>. <hal-03600460>. PDF
Vivier, B., Navon, M., Dauvin, J.-C., Chasselin, L., Deloor, M., Orvain, F., Rusig, A.-M., Mussio, I., Boutouil, M., & Claquin, P. (2022, Jun). Colonisation of artificial structures by primary producers: competition and photosynthetic behaviour. Biofouling, 1-14. <10.1080/08927014.2022.2088285>. <hal-03719904>.
Vivier, B., Dauvin, J.-C., Navon, M., Chasselin, L., Deloor, M., Rusig, A., Mussio, I., Boutouil, M., Salaün, J., & Claquin, P. (2022). Diversity, structures assemblages and production of benthic communities on artificial reefs, a comparative case study in the English Channel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1245 (1), 012003. <10.1088/1757-899x/1245/1/012003>. <hal-03773271>. PDF


Claquin, P., René-trouillefou, M., Lopez, P.J., Japaud, A., Bouchon-navaro, Y., Cordonnier, S., & Bouchon, C. (2021). Singular physiological behavior of the scleractinian coral Porites astreoides in the dark phase. Coral Reefs, 40 (1), 139-150. <10.1007/s00338-020-02023-4>. <hal-03080724>. PDF
Dauvin, J.-C., Deloor, M., Pezy, J.-P., Raoux, A., Claquin, P., & Foveau, A. (2021, Oct). Four-year temporal study of an intertidal artificial structure in the English Channel. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (11), 1174. <10.3390/jmse9111174>. <hal-03417299>. PDF
Inomura, K., Masuda, T., Eichner, M., Rabouille, S., Zav\v Rel, T.S., \v Cervený, J., Vancová, M., Bernát, G., Armin, G., Claquin, P., Kotabová, E., Stephan, S., Suggett, D.J., Deutsch, C., & Prá\v Sil, O.R. (2021, Nov). Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19, 6456 - 6464. <10.1016/j.csbj.2021.11.036>. <hal-03540830>. PDF
Lefran, A., Hernández-fariñas, T., Gohin, F., & Claquin, P. (2021, Sep). Decadal trajectories of phytoplankton communities in contrasted estuarine systems in an epicontinental sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 258, 107409. <10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107409>. <hal-03327245>. PDF
Polerecky, L., Masuda, T., Eichner, M., Rabouille, S., Vancová, M., Kienhuis, M., Bernát, G., Bonomi-barufi, J., Campbell, D.A., Claquin, P., \v Cervený, J., Giordano, M., Kotabová, E., Kromkamp, J., Lombardi, A.T., Luke\v S, M., Prá\v Sil, O., Stephan, S., Suggett, D., Zav\v Rel, T., & Halsey, K. (2021, Feb). Temporal Patterns and Intra- and Inter-Cellular Variability in Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation by the Unicellular Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. <10.3389/fmicb.2021.620915>. <hal-03430709>. PDF
Rabouille, S., Campbell, D.A., Masuda, T., Zav\v Rel, T.S., Bernát, G., Polerecky, L., Halsey, K., Eichner, M., Kotabová, E., Stephan, S., Luke\v S, M., Claquin, P., Bonomi-barufi, J., Lombardi, A.T., \v Cervený, J., Suggett, D.J., Giordano, M., Kromkamp, J.C., & Prá\v Sil, O.R. (2021, Apr). Electron & Biomass Dynamics of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 617802. <10.3389/fmicb.2021.617802>. <hal-03213217>. PDF
Serre-fredj, L., Jacqueline, F., Navon, M., Izabel, G., Chasselin, L., Jolly, O., Repecaud, M., & Claquin, P. (2021, Jul). Coupling high frequency monitoring and bioassay experiments to investigate a harmful algal bloom in the Bay of Seine (French-English Channel). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 168, 112387. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112387>. <hal-03327242>. PDF
Vivier, B., Dauvin, J.-C., Navon, M., Rusig, A.-M., Mussio, I., Orvain, F., Boutouil, M., & Claquin, P. (2021, Mar). Marine artificial reefs, a meta-analysis of their design, objectives and effectiveness. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01538. <10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01538>. <hal-03172105>. PDF
Vivier, B., Claquin, P., Lelong, C., Lesage, Q., Peccate, M., Hamel, B., Georges, M., Bourguiba, A., Sebaibi, N., Boutouil, M., Goux, D., Dauvin, J.-C., & Orvain, F. (2021). Influence of infrastructure material composition and microtopography on marine biofilm growth and photobiology. Biofouling, 37 (7), 740-756. <10.1080/08927014.2021.1959918>. <hal-03320902>. PDF


Morelle, J., Claquin, P., & Orvain, F. (2020). Evidence for better microphytobenthos dynamics in mixed sand/mud zones than in pure sand or mud intertidal flats (Seine estuary, Normandy, France). PLoS ONE, 15 (8), -. <10.1371/journal.pone.0237211>. <hal-02956123>. PDF


Sauvey, A., Claquin, P., Le Roy, B., Le Gac, M., & Fauchot, J. (2019). Differential Influence of Life Cycle on Growth and Toxin Production of three Pseudo-nitzschia Species (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology. <10.1111/jpy.12898>. <hal-02292289>. PDF


Liénart, C., Savoye, N., David, V.V., Ramond, P., Rodriguez Tress, P., Hanquiez, V., Marieu, V., Aubin, S., Aubert, F., Bichon, S., Boinet, C., Bourasseau, L., Bozec, Y., Bréret, M., Breton, E., Caparros, J., Cariou, T., Claquin, P., Conan, P., Corre, A.-M., Costes, L., Crouvoisier, M., Del Amo, Y., Derriennic, H., Dindinaud, F., Duran, R., Durozier, M., Devesa, J., Ferreira, S., Feunteun, E., Garcia, N., Geslin, S., Grossteffan, E., Gueux, A., Guillaudeau, J., Guillou, G., Jolly, O., Lachaussée, N., Lafont, M., Lagadec, V., Lamoureux, J., Lauga, B., Lebreton, B., Lecuyer, E., Lehodey, J.-P., Leroux, C., L'helguen, S., Macé, &., Maria, E., Mousseau, L., Nowaczyk, A., Pineau, P., Petit, F., Pujo-pay, M., Raimbault, P., Rimmelin-maury, P., Rouaud, V., Sauriau, P.-G., Sultan, E., & Susperregui, N. (2018, Mar). Dynamics of particulate organic matter composition in coastal systems: Forcing of spatio-temporal variability at multi-systems scale. Progress in Oceanography, 162, 271-289. <10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.026>. <hal-02329982>. PDF
Morelle, J., Orvain, F., & Claquin, P. (2018, Jun). A simple, user friendly tool to readjust raw PAM data from field measurements to avoid over- or underestimating of microphytobenthos photosynthetic parameters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 503, 136-146. <10.1016/j.jembe.2018.02.007>. <hal-02433658>.
Morelle, J., & Claquin, P. (2018, Aug). Electron requirements for carbon incorporation along a diel light cycle in three marine diatom species. Photosynthesis Research, 137 (2), 201-214. <10.1007/s11120-018-0491-2>. <hal-02433653>.
Morelle, J., Schapira, M., Orvain, F., Riou, P., Lopez, P.J., Pierre-duplessix, O., Rabiller, E., Maheux, F., Simon, B., & Claquin, P. (2018, Jul). Annual Phytoplankton Primary Production Estimation in a Temperate Estuary by Coupling PAM and Carbon Incorporation Methods. Estuaries and Coasts, 41 (5), 1337-1355. <10.1007/s12237-018-0369-8>. <hal-02410790>. PDF
Morelle, J., Schapira, M., Françoise, S., Courtay, G., Orvain, F., & Claquin, P. (2018, Sep). Dynamics of exopolymeric carbon pools in relation with phytoplankton succession along the salinity gradient of a temperate estuary (France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 209, 18-29. <10.1016/j.ecss.2018.05.008>. <hal-02433644>.


Bussard, A., Corre, E., Hubas, C., Duvernois-berthet, E.E., Le Corguillé, G., Jourdren, L., Coulpier, F., Claquin, P., & Lopez, P.J. (2017, Mar). Physiological adjustments and transcriptome reprogramming are involved in the acclimation to salinity gradients in diatoms. Environmental Microbiology, 19 (3), 909-925. <10.1111/1462-2920.13398>. <mnhn-02283645>.
Liénart, C., Savoye, N., Bozec, Y., Breton, E., Conan, P., David, V., Feunteun, E., Grangeré, K., Kerhervé, P., Lebreton, B., Lefebvre, S., L'helguen, S., Mousseau, L., Raimbault, P., Richard, P., Riera, P., Sauriau, P.-G., Schaal, G., Aubert, F., Aubin, S., Bichon, S., Boinet, C., Bourasseau, L., Bréret, M., Caparros, J., Cariou, T., Charlier, K., Claquin, P., Cornille, V., Corre, A.-M., Costes, L., Crispi, O., Crouvoisier, M., Czamanski, M., Del Amo, Y., Derriennic, H., Dindinaud, F., Durozier, M., Hanquiez, V., Nowaczyk, A., Devesa, J., Ferreira, S., Fornier, M., Garcia, F., Garcia, N., Geslin, S., Grossteffan, E., Gueux, A., Guillaudeau, J., Guillou, G., Joly, O., Lachaussée, N., Lafont, M., Lamoureux, J., Lecuyer, E., Lehodey, J.-P., Lemeille, D., Leroux, C., Macé, E., Maria, E., Pineau, P., Petit, F., Pujo-pay, M., Rimelin-maury, P., & Sultan, E. (2017, Aug). Dynamics of particulate organic matter composition in coastal systems: a spatio-temporal study at multi-systems scale. Progress in Oceanography, 156, 221-239. <10.1016/j.pocean.2017.03.001>. <hal-01510337>. PDF
Morelle, J., Schapira, M., & Claquin, P. (2017, Oct). Dynamics of phytoplankton productivity and exopolysaccharides (EPS and TEP) pools in the Seine Estuary (France, Normandy) over tidal cycles and over two contrasting seasons. Marine Environmental Research, 131, 162-176. <10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.09.007>. <hal-02433660>.
Thorel, M., Claquin, P., Schapira, M., Le Gendre, R., Riou, P., Goux, D., Le Roy, B., Raimbault, V., Deton-cabanillas, A.-F., Bazin, P., Bouchart, V., & Fauchot, J. (2017). Nutrient ratios influence variability in Pseudo-nitzschia species diversity and particulate domoic acid production in the Bay of Seine (France). Harmful Algae, 68, 192-205. <10.1016/j.hal.2017.07.005>. <hal-01681636>.


Cuadrado Rica, H., Boutouil, M., Boudart, B., Claquin, P., & Leroy, F. (2016). Colonisation et détérioration des bétons incorporant des coquilles pour récifs artificiels. Matériaux et Techniques, 104 (5). <10.1051/mattech/2017005>. <hal-01647903>.
Evariste, E., Claquin, P., Robin, J., Aubert, A., Macquatter-golop, A., & Dauvin, J.-C. (2016). The Channel ecosystem,across-roads of an thropogenic pressures and scientific studies : Lessons learned from the European INTERREGIVprojects(2009--2015). Marine Policy, 63, 158--165. <10.1016/j.marpol.2015.10.012>. <hal-01230847>.
Lemesle, S., Erraud, A., Mussio, I., Rusig, A.-M., & Claquin, P. (2016, Sep). Dynamics of $\delta$15N isotopic signatures of different intertidal macroalgal species: Assessment of bioindicators of N sources in coastal areas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 110 (1), 470-483. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.06.006>. <hal-02433663>.
Pannard, A., Pédrono, J., Bormans, M., Briand, E., Claquin, P., & Lagadeuc, Y. (2016, Mar). Production of exopolymers (EPS) by cyanobacteria: impact on the carbon-to-nutrient ratio of the particulate organic matter. Aquatic Ecology, 50 (1), 29-44. <10.1007/s10452-015-9550-3>. <hal-01219377>. PDF
Rabouille, S., & Claquin, P. (2016). Photosystem-II shutdown evolved with Nitrogen fixation in the unicellular diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii. Environmental Microbiology. <10.1111/1462-2920.13157>. <hal-01263684>. PDF


Evariste, E., Claquin, P., Robin, J.-P., Auber, A., Mcquatters-gollop, A., Fletcher, S., Glegg, G., & Dauvin, J.-C. (2015). What did we learn from PEGASEAS forum ''Science and Governance of the Channel Marine Ecosystem''?. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 93 (1-2), 1-4. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.02.021>. <hal-01540848>. PDF
Lemesle, S., Mussio, I., Rusig, A.-M., Menet-nedelec, F., & Claquin, P. (2015, Aug). Impact of seaweed beachings on dynamics of $\delta$ 15 N isotopic signatures in marine macroalgae. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 97 (1-2), 241-254. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.06.010>. <hal-02433667>.


Mercado, J.M., Sobrino, C., Neale, P.J., Segovia, M., Reul, A., Amorim, A.L., Carrillo, P., Claquin, P., Cabrerizo, M.J., Léon, P., Lorenzo, M.R., Medina-sánchez, J.M., Montecino, V., Napoleon, C., Prasil, O., Putzeys, S., Salles, S., & Yebra, L. (2014). Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. II. Metabolic rates. Aquatic Biology, 22, 43-57. <10.3354/ab00606>. <hal-02433693>. PDF
Napoléon, C., Fiant, L., Raimbault, V., Riou, P., & Claquin, P. (2014). Dynamics of phytoplankton diversity structure and primary productivity in the English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 505, 49-64. <10.3354/meps10772>. <hal-02433670>. PDF
Thorel, M., Fauchot, J., Morelle, J., Raimbault, V., Le Roy, B., Miossec, C., Bouchart, V., & Claquin, P. (2014, Oct). Interactive effects of irradiance and temperature on growth and domoic acid production of the toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis (Bacillariophyceae). Harmful Algae, 39, 232-241. <10.1016/j.hal.2014.07.010>. <hal-02433668>.


Chatterjee, A., Klein, C., Naegelen, A., Claquin, P., Masson, A., Le Goff, M., Amice, E., L'helguen, S., Chauvaud, L., & Leynaert, A. (2013, Nov). Comparative dynamics of pelagic and benthic micro-algae in a coastal ecosystem. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 133, 67-77. <10.1016/j.ecss.2013.08.015>. <hal-00944763>.
Dron, A., Rabouille, S., Claquin, P., Talec, A., Raimbault, V., & Sciandra, A. (2013, Dec). Photoperiod length paces the temporal orchestration of cell cycle and carbon-nitrogen metabolism in Crocosphaera watsonii. Environmental Microbiology, 15 (12), 3292 - 3304. <10.1111/1462-2920.12163>. <hal-01893818>.
Napoléon, C., Fiant, L., Raimbault, V., & Claquin, P. (2013, Dec). Study of dynamics of phytoplankton and photosynthetic parameters using opportunity ships in the western English Channel. Journal of Marine Systems, 128, 146-158. <10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.04.019>. <hal-02433672>.
Napoléon, C., Raimbault, V., & Claquin, P. (2013, Jun). Influence of Nutrient Stress on the Relationships between PAM Measurements and Carbon Incorporation in Four Phytoplankton Species. PLoS ONE, 8 (6), e66423. <10.1371/journal.pone.0066423>. <hal-02433673>.


Dron, A., Rabouille, S., Claquin, P., Le Roy, B., Talec, A., & Sciandra, A. (2012, Apr). Light-dark (12:12) cycle of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501: relation to the cell cycle. Environmental Microbiology, 14 (4), 967 - 981. <10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02675.x>. <hal-01893820>.
Dron, A., Rabouille, S., Claquin, P., Chang, P., Raimbault, V., Talec, A., & Sciandra, A. (2012, Nov). Light:dark (12:12 h) quantification of carbohydrate fluxes in Crocosphaera watsonii . Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 68 (1), 43-55. <10.3354/ame01600>. <hal-02433678>. PDF
Lefebvre, S., Claquin, P., Orvain, F., Véron, B., & Charpy, L. (2012). Spatial and temporal dynamics of size-structured photosynthetic parameters (PAM) and primary production (13C) of pico- and nano-phytoplankton in an atoll lagoon. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 65 (10-12), 478-489. <10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.04.011>. <hal-00807541>.
Napoléon, C., Raimbault, V., Fiant, L., Riou, P., Lefebvre, S., Lampert, L., & Claquin, P. (2012). Spatiotemporal dynamics of physicochemical and photosynthetic parameters in the central English Channel. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 69 (ISSN 1385-1101), 43-52. <hal-00761362>.
Napoléon, C., & Claquin, P. (2012, Jul). Multi-Parametric Relationships between PAM Measurements and Carbon Incorporation, an In Situ Approach. PLoS ONE, 7 (7), e40284. <10.1371/journal.pone.0040284>. <hal-02433675>.
Napoléon, C., Raimbault, V., Fiant, L., Riou, P., Lefebvre, S., Lampert, L., & Claquin, P. (2012, Apr). Spatiotemporal dynamics of physicochemical and photosynthetic parameters in the central English Channel. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 69, 43-52. <10.1016/j.seares.2012.01.005>. <hal-02433676>.


Klein, C., Claquin, P., Pannard, A., Napoléon, C., Le Roy, B., & Veron, B. (2011). Dynamics of soluble extracellular polymeric substances and transparent exopolymer particle pools in coastal ecosystems.. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 427, 13-27. <10.3354/meps09049>. <hal-00597386>. PDF
Leynaert, A., Ni Longphuirt, S., An, S., Lim, J.-H., Claquin, P., Grall, J., Kwon, B.O., & Koh Chul, H. (2011, Nov). Tidal variability in benthic silicic acid fluxes and microphytobenthos uptake in intertidal sediment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 95 (1), 59-66. <10.1016/j.ecss.2011.08.005>. <hal-00644742>.


Claquin, P., Ni Longphuirt, S., Fouillaron, P., Huonnic, P., Ragueneau, O., Klein, C., & Leynaert, A. (2010, Jan). Effects of simulated benthic fluxes on phytoplankton dynamic and photosynthetic parameters in a mesocosm experiment (Bay of Brest, France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86 (1), 93-101. <10.1016/j.ecss.2009.10.017>. <hal-00640967>.
Klein, C., Claquin, P., Bouchart, V., Le Roy, B., & Véron, B. (2010, Feb). Dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and domoic acid production in a macrotidal ecosystem of the Eastern English Channel (Normandy, France). Harmful Algae, 9 (2), 218-226. <10.1016/j.hal.2009.10.004>. <hal-02433681>.


Leynaert, A., Ni Longphuirt, S., Claquin, P., Chauvaud, L., & Ragueneau, O. (2009, Jul). No limit? : the multiphasic uptake of silicic acid by benthic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography, 54 (2), 571-576. <hal-00451210>. PDF
Ni Longphuirt, S., Lim, J.-H., Leynaert, A., Claquin, P., Choy, E.-J., Kang, C.-K., & An, S. (2009, Mar). Dissolved inorganic nitrogen uptake by intertidal microphytobenthos: nutrient concentrations, light availability and migration. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 379, 33-44. <10.3354/meps07852>. <hal-00455611>. PDF


Claquin, P., Probert, I., Lefebvre, S., & Véron, B. (2008). Temperature effects on photosynthetic parameters and TEP production in eight species of marine microalgae.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology (51), 1-11.. <hal-00481047>.
Claquin, P., Probert, I., Lefebvre, S., & Veron, B. (2008, Apr). Effects of temperature on photosynthetic parameters and TEP production in eight species of marine microalgae. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 51, 1-11. <10.3354/ame01187>. <hal-02433684>.
Pannard, A., Claquin, P., Klein, C., Le Roy, B., & Veron, B. (2008, Nov). Short-term variability of the phytoplankton community in coastal ecosystem in response to physical and chemical conditions' changes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 80 (2), 212-224. <10.1016/j.ecss.2008.08.008>. <hal-02053092>.


Fouillaron, P., Claquin, P., L'helguen, S., Huonnic, P., Martin-jézéquel, V., Masson, A., Ni Longphuirt, S., Pondaven, P., Thouzeau, G., & Leynaert, A. (2007, Nov). Response of a phytoplankton community to increased nutrient inputs: A mesocosm experiment in the Bay of Brest (France). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 351 (1-2), 188-198. <10.1016/j.jembe.2007.06.009>. <hal-00472047>.
Pannard, A., Bormans, M., Lefebvre, S., Claquin, P., & Lagadeuc, Y. (2007). Size distribution and community structure of phytoplankton: influence of nutrient availability and sedimentary loss.. Journal of Plankton Research (29), 583-598.. <hal-00481789>.
Pannard, A., Bormans, M., Lefebvre, S., Claquin, P., & Lagadeuc, Y. (2007). Phytoplankton size distribution and community structure : influence of nutrient input and sedimentary loss.. Journal of Plankton Research, 29 (7), 583-598. <10.1093/plankt/fbm040>. <hal-00164580>.


Ni Longphuirt, S., Leynaert, A., Guarini, J.-M., Chauvaud, L., Claquin, P., Herlory, O., Amice, E., Huonnic, P., & Ragueneau, O. (2006, Dec). Discovery of microphytobenthos migration in the subtidal zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328, 143-154. <10.3354/meps328143>. <hal-00455619>. PDF
Ragueneau, O., Schultes, S., Bidle, K., Claquin, P., & Moriceau, B. (2006, Dec). Si and C interactions in the world ocean: Importance of ecological processes and implications for the role of diatoms in the biological pump. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20 (4), GB4S02. <10.1029/2006GB002688>. <hal-00473808>. PDF


Claquin, P., & Martin-jézéquel, V. (2005, Apr). Regulation of the Si and C uptake and of the soluble free-silicon pool in a synchronised culture of Cylindrotheca fusiformis (Bacillariophyceae): effects on the Si/C ratio. Marine Biology, 146 (5), 877-886. <10.1007/s00227-004-1493-5>. <hal-02433697>.
Houdan, A., Véron, B., Claquin, P., Lefebvre, S., & Poncet, J.-M. (2005, Oct). Cryopreservation of the coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta, Prymnesiophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology, 17 (5), 413-422. <10.1007/s10811-005-0065-5>. <hal-02433686>.


Claquin, P., Kromkamp, J., & Martin-jézéquel, V. (2004, Feb). Relationship between photosynthetic metabolism and cell cycle in a synchronized culture of the marine alga Cylindrotheca fusiformis (Bacillariophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 39 (1), 33-41. <10.1080/0967026032000157165>. <hal-02433688>.
Leynaert, A., Bucciarelli, E., Claquin, P., Dugdale, R.C., Martin-jézéquel, V., Pondaven, P., & Ragueneau, O. (2004, Feb). Effect of iron deficiency on diatom cell size and silicic acid uptake kinetics. Limnology and Oceanography, 49 (4), 1134-1143. <hal-00456563>.


Claquin, P., Martin-jézéquel, V., Kromkamp, J., Veldhuis, M., & Kraay, G. (2002, Oct). UNCOUPLING OF SILICON COMPARED WITH CARBON AND NITROGEN METABOLISMS AND THE ROLE OF THE CELL CYCLE IN CONTINUOUS CULTURES OF THALASSIOSIRA PSEUDONANA (BACILLARIOPHYCEAE) UNDER LIGHT, NITROGEN, AND PHOSPHORUS CONTROL1. Journal of Phycology, 38 (5), 922-930. <10.1046/j.1529-8817.2002.t01-1-01220.x>. <hal-02433689>.

Communication dans un congrès


Artigas, L.F., Hubert, Z., Louchart, A., Créach, V., Lefebvre, A., Wacquet, G., Caillault, E.P., Deneudt, K., Möller, K.O., Rikeboer, M., Claquin, P., Gallot, C., Robache, K., Verghaeghe, F., Jeabert, L., Lanoy, L., Dédécker, C., Epinoux, A., Blackwell, R., Ghosn, R.H., Facq, J.-V., Répécaud, M., Hébert, P.-A., Aubert, A., Lagaisse, R., Moltermans, J., Rombouts, I., Macovei, V., Rhül, S., Voynova, Y.G., & Veen, A. (2023, Nov). Automated optical approaches for in vivo multiscale monitoring of phytoplankton communities and HABs in the English Channel and North Sea. Paper presented at the International Conference on Harmful Algae - ICHA 2023, Hiroshima, Japan. <hal-04543072>.
Artigas, L.F., Hubert, Z., Gallot, C., Lizon, F., Louchart, A., Robache, K., Veghaeghe, F., Dédécker, C., Créach, V., Lefebvre, A., Ghosn, R.H., Devreker, D., Facq, J.-V., Répécaud, M., Wacquet, G., Claquin, P., Caillault, E.P., Hébert, P.-A., Deneudt, K., Lagaisse, R., Moltermans, J., Rombouts, I., Möller, K.O., Macovei, V., Rühl, S., Voynova, Y.G., & Kraft, K. (2023, Oct). Multiscale harmonised automated observations of phytoplankton biomass, diversity and productivity dynamics in the English Channel and North Sea as part of the coastal Pilot Super Site approach (JERICO S3). Paper presented at the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference European Operational Oceanography for the Ocean we want -- addressing the UN Ocean Decade Challenges, Galway, Ireland. <hal-04543074>.
Chatagnon, A., Vallès, H., Cordonnier, S., Mussio, I., Rusig, A.-M., Claquin, P., & Dromard, C.R. (2023, Nov). Monitoring regenerated nitrogen in reef food webs following Sargassum mass strandings. Paper presented at the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Nassau, Bahamas. <hal-04734162>.
Paireau, O., Cunge, E., Giraudel, C., Mouazé, D., Raoux, A., Charbonnelle, M., Van Paemelen, R., Gutierrez, A., Baumbach, M., Dauvin, J.-C., Claquin, P., Deloor, M., & Pezy, J.-P. (2023, Apr). The CHERLOC PROJECT: An Experimental case study of marine structures combining engineering and biodiversity. Paper presented at the ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters, London, United Kingdom. <hal-04251312>. PDF
Pezy, J.-P., Delegrange, A., Martinez, L., Pettex, E., Malirat, C., Deloor, M., Claquin, P., Gauche, T., Schlicklin, F., Valerdi, J.-B., Charbonnelle, M., & Raoux, A. (2023, Oct). An Ecosystem Approach for Studying the Impact of Offshore Wind Farms: The Dieppe-Le Tréport Case Study. Paper presented at the Coast Caen 2023, Caen, France. <hal-04291104>.
Pezy, J.-P., Raoux, A., Deloor, M., Claquin, P., Gallon, R., Poirier, I., Rusig, A.-M., Mussio, I., Charbonnelle, M., Leroy, F., & Furgerot, L. (2023, Oct). An Ecosystem Approach for Studying the Reef and Reserve Effects of Offshore Wind Farms: The Fécamp Platform. Paper presented at the Coast Caen 2023, Caen, France. <hal-04291360>. PDF


Artigas, L.F., Cabrera, P., Claquin, P., Créach, V., Gallot, C., Gómez, F., De Blok, R., Debusschere, E., Deneudt, K., Grégori, G., Eikrem, W., Epinoux, A., Hébert, P.-A., Haraguchi, L., Hubert, Z., Houliez, E., Irisson, J.-O., Karlson, B., Kraft, K., Kromkamp, J., Lindh, M., Lefebvre, A., Lombard, F., Lizon, F., Louchart, A., Möller, K.O., Mortelmans, J., Poisson-caillault, E., Rijkeboer, M., Rutten, T., Tamminen, T., Tyberghein, L., Thyssen, M., Ruhel, S., Seppälä, J., Stemmann, L., Veen, A., Wacquet, G., Wollschläger, J., & Ylöstalo, P. (2021, Jun). Phytoplankton automated in vivo/in situ observations: towards a new approach of Essential Ocean Variables of marine coastal ecosystems.. Paper presented at the ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Palma de Mallorca - Iles Baléares, Spain. <hal-04543083>.
Cocquempot, L., Burden, J., Delacourt, C., Paillet, J., Raimbault, P., Charria, G., Schmitt, F., Planes, S., Bertin, X., Bertin, S., Coppola, L., Testor, P., Lemoine, M., Claquin, P., Hocdé, R., Aucan, J., Sylvie, F., Savoye, N., Conan, P., Testut, L., Gravelle, M., Woppelmann, G., Bouchet, V.M.P., & Desroy, N. (2021, May). ILICO -A FRENCH RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COASTAL OCEAN AND SEASHORE OBSERVATIONS. Paper presented at the 9th EuroGOOS International conference, Brest, France. <hal-03349179>. PDF
Lemoine, M., & Claquin, P. (2021, May). PHYTOBS : French National Service of Observation program for Phytoplankton in coastal waters. Paper presented at the 9th EuroGOOS International conference, Brest (virtual), France. <hal-03287552>. PDF


Pairaud, I., Lefebvre, A., Jacqueline, F., Charria, G., Répécaud, M., Bonnat, A., Ravel, C., Claquin, P., Doxaran, D., Garcia, F., & Poisson Caillault, &. (2016, Nov). Un réseau de stations HF en mer côtière : comment et pour quelles questions de recherche et d’appui aux politiques publiques ?. Paper presented at the Séminaire du Département Ifremer ODE, Brest, France. <hal-04292053>.


Claquin, P., Leroy, F., Rusig, A., Musio, I., Feunten, E., Foveau, A., Dauvin, J.-C., Gallon, R., Le Brun, J., Lestarquit, M., Orvain, F., Martinez, A., Desoche, E., Napoleon, C., Roussel, D., & Boutouil, M. (2015, Jan). Mise en place d’un suivi de la colonisation à plusieurs échelles. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the RECIF Conference on artificial reefs : from materials to ecosystem, Caen, France. <hal-01708572>.
Foveau, A., Dauvin, J.-C., Rusig, A., Mussio, I., & Claquin, P. (2015, Jan). Colonisation à court terme par le benthos sur un écosystème artificiel. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the RECIF Conference on artificial reefs : from materials to ecosystem, Caen, France (119-126). <hal-01708558>.


Evariste, E., Dauvin, J.-C., Claquin, P., Auber, C., Winder, A., Thenail, B., Fletcher, S., & Robin, J. (2014, Jul). Science et Gouvernance de l’Ecosystème Marin de la Manche. Paper presented at the Actes du Forum Trans-Manche - Programme INTERREG IV A, Caen, France, 160. <hal-01708555>.


Soler, C., Moriceau, B., Claquin, P., Goutx, M., & Ragueneau, O. (2010). Impact of Si-C interactions in the diatom frustule on the export and the preservation of organic carbon. Paper presented at the Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, United States. <hal-02328196>.


Ragueneau, O., Claquin, P., Corrin, L., Demaster, D.J., Nicolas, D., Gallinari, M., Heinze, C.N., Martin-jézéquel, V., Leynaert, A., Moriceau, B., Pondaven, P., & Van Cappellen, P. (2003, Sep). Calibration of biogenic silica (BSi) as a paleo productivity proxy: towards a mechanistic understanding of BSi dissolution/preservation, and Si/ decoupling in the world ocean. Paper presented at the Chapman conference on the role of diatom production and Si flux and burial in the regulation of global cycles, Paros, Greece. <hal-02534794>.


Raoux, A., Deloor, M., Charbonnelle, M., Claquin, P., Paemelen, R.V., Cunge, E., Delatte, L., Dauvin, J.-C., Mouazé, D., Rusig, A.-M., Mussio, I., & Pezy, J.-P. (2022, Jun). Faunal and Floral diversity ofhard substrate from the CHERLOC experimental dike. Paper presented at the Premières Rencontre de l'Ingénierie Maritime, Caen, France. <hal-03853356>. PDF


Soler, C., Claquin, P., Moriceau, B., Amiel, C., Goutx, M., & Ragueneau, O. (2009). SI-C interactions in the diatom frustule : consequences on preservation. Paper presented at the ASLO Meeting, Nice, France. <hal-02534484>.
Soler, C., Claquin, P., Amiel, C., Moriceau, B., Ragueneau, O., & Goutx, M. (2009, Sep). Formation of SI-OC Interactions During Diatom Growth, Under Variable Limitations. Paper presented at the AGU Chapman conference on the biological pump, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, United Kingdom. <hal-02534447>.

Autre publication


Savoye, N., Lizon, F., Breton, E., Claquin, P., Joly, O., Sultan, E., Bozec, Y., Jung, J.-L., Boulard, C., Rimmelin-maury, P., Leynart, A., Agogué, H., Pineau, P., Del Amo, Y., Conan, P., Mostajir, B., Grégori, G., Mousseau, L., & Fabrice, M. (2024). SOMLIT (Service d'Observation en Milieu Littoral) time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO): long-term core parameter monitoring of French coasts. <10.17882/100323>. <hal-04780540>.


Lefran, A., Françoise, S., Legendre, A., Hebert, P., Hernandez-fariñas, T., & Claquin, P. (2022). Dataset of micro-phytoplankton biodiversity in the Eastern Channel area from 1987 to 2019.. <10.5281/zenodo.7496602>. <hal-04829990>.

Direction d’ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier


Dauvin, J.-C., Deloor, M., Pezy, J.-P., Raoux, A., Claquin, P., & Foveau, A. (2022, Jul)., "Effects of material composition and face block exposure on the long-term (2014-2018) colonisation of an intertidal RECIF Artificial Reef in the Bay of Seine," (pp. 012006). : IOP Publishing. <10.1088/1757-899x/1245/1/012006>. <hal-03770392>. PDF

Pré-publication, Document de travail


Soler, C., Claquin, P., Goutx, M., Ragueneau, O., & Moriceau, B. (2022, Mar). Impact of nutrient starvation on the biochemical composition of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii: from the whole cell to the frustule fraction. <10.5194/bgd-7-5953-2010>. <insu-03625643>. PDF


Lemoine, M., Claquin, P., Abadie, E., Arnaud, C., Artigas, L.F., Conan, P., Blondel, C., Breton, E., Carpentier, L., Christaki, U., Chomérat, N., Cornet, V., Coste, L., Courtay, G., Dagault, F., Del Amo, Y., Delebecq, G., Doner, A., Dupuy, C., Fauchot, J., Françoise, S., Gabellec, R., Hernández Fariñas, T., Klein, C., Lampert, L., Le Roy, B., Lebon, F., Lefebvre, A., Legendre, A., Menet-nedelec, F., Lejolivet, A., Lemee, R., Leynaert, A., Manach, S., Sophie, M., Meteigner, C., Marco-miralles, F., Neaud-masson, N., Nezan, E., Perriere-rumebe, M., Queguiner, B., Retho, M., Rigaut-jalabert, F., Sauriau, P.-G., Schapira, M., Serais, O., Simon, N., Francesca, V., Vuillemin, R., Auby, I., Beker, B., Breret, M., Caillard, E., Chabirand, J.-M., Chiantella, C., Crispi, O., Deton Cabanillas, A.F., Duquesne, V., Duval, A., Fiandrino, A., Genauzeau, S., Glé, C., Guesdon, S., Guilloux, L., Hebert, P., Hitier, B., Hubert, B., Jolly, A., Labatut, P., Leredde, Y., Malestroit, P., Maria, E., Mar, S., Mostajir, B., Olivesi, R., Pineau, P., Piraud, A., Gourvil, P., Ryckaert, M., Anne, S., Thorel, M., Vaulot, D., Viprey, M., Bergeret, J., Foulon, E., Le Gall, F., Lebrun, L., Not, F., Ristori, S., Terre-terrillon, A., Hoebeke, M., Rouilly, A., & Siltanen, J. (2021). PHYTOBS dataset - French National Service of Observation for Phytoplankton in coastal waters. <hal-03553028>.