Bertrand LE ROY
Cellule Administrative et Technique

Thèmes de recherche

Biodiversité du phytoplancton

Dynamique de Pseudo-Nitzschia en Normandie

Expertise et valorisation

Expertise en taxinomie du phytoplancton

Culture cellulaire de phytoplancton : de l’échantillonnage à la conservation de souches d’intérêts

Article dans une revue


Kalantari, M.M., Ozgur, E., Alkhatib, M., Buc, E., Le Roy, B., Modrzejewski, R., Mezouar, Y., & Bartoli, A. (2024, Apr). LARLUS: laparoscopic augmented reality from laparoscopic ultrasound. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. <10.1007/s11548-024-03134-x>. <hal-04628160>.
Thibaut, F., Veziant, J., Warlaumont, M., Gauthier, V., Lefèvre, J., Gronnier, C., Bonnet, S., Mabrut, J.-Y., Régimbeau, J.-M., Benhaim, L., Tiberio, G., Mathonnet, M., Regenet, N., Chirica, M., Glehen, O., Mariani, P., Panis, Y., Genser, L., Mutter, D., Thereaux, J., Bergeat, D., Le Roy, B., Brigand, C., Eveno, C., & Piessen, G. (2024, Jun). Prognostic impact of positive microscopic margins (R1 resection) in patients with GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumours): Results of a multicenter European study. EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 50 (6), 108310. <10.1016/j.ejso.2024.108310>. <hal-04529411>. PDF


Boubaddi, M., Teixeira Farinha, H., Lambert, C., Pereira, B., Piessen, G., Gualtierotti, M., Voron, T., Mantziari, S., Pezet, D., Gronnier, C., Regimbeau, J.-M., Brac, B., Lermite, E., Barbieux, J., Cloche, E., Gueroult, P., Puia-negulsecu, S., Degrandi, O., Joumaa, C., Seel, M., Bouriez, D., Celarier, S., Gronnier, C., Collet, D., Théréaux, J., Roche, C., Pezet, D., Veziant, J., Gagnière, J., Bacœur-ouzillou, O., Lecomte, C., Badon-murgue, F., Al Mustafa, S., Sarkis, A., Lescure, G., Gandon, A., Eveno, C., Dubreuilh, G., Piessen, G., Arnalsteen, L., Pasquer, A., Breton, A., Robert, M., Poncet, G., Mège, D., Sielezneff, I., Guiramand, J., Turrini, O., Chaussende, C., Ewassadja, V., Chevalier, R., Souche, F.-R., Fabre, J.-M., Ferrandis, C., Bardol, T., Ferre, L., Manceau, G., Karoui, M., Pocard, M., Djelil, D., Voron, T., Lefevre, J., Parc, Y., Paye, F., Balladur, P., Fuks, D., De Carbonnières, A., Bonnet, S., Cattan, P., Demma, J., Corte, H., Margot, N., Rault, A., Courvoisier-clément, T., Faure, J.-P., Bergeat, D., Wasielewski, E., Meunier, B., Le Roy, B., Vincentelli, D.-A., Epin, A., Sole, T., Deheppe, J., Denneval, A., Pella, C., Melnikov, S., Péré, G., Carrere, N., Genty, F., Mantziari, S., Abboretti, F., Schäfer, M., Demartines, N., Gualtierotti, M., Sanou, A., Doamba, R., Somé, R., Souadka, A., Houmada, A., Souadka, A., Atiq, S.E., Benkabbou, A., Anas Majbar, M., Mohsine, R., Berkane, S., & Mesli, S.N. (2023, Nov). Total Versus Subtotal Gastrectomy for Distal Gastric Poorly Cohesive Carcinoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 31 (2), 744-752. <10.1245/s10434-023-14496-y>. <hal-04521531>.


Epin, A., Passot, G., Christou, N., Monneuse, O., Mabrut, J.-Y., Ferrero, P.-A., Caudron, S., Pezet, D., Magnin, B., Grange, R., Lambert, C., Williet, N., Flaris, A., & Le Roy, B. (2022, Apr). Gastric Pneumatosis with Portal Venous Gas can be Treated Non-operatively: A Retrospective Multi-institutional Study. World Journal of Surgery, 46 (4), 784-790. <10.1007/s00268-021-06433-5>. <hal-04168644>.
Saleh, N.B., Golse, N., Abdallah, M., Véziant, J., Pereira, B., Le Roy, B., Magnin, B., Adam, R., & Buc, E. (2022, May). Preoperative morphometric measurements of liver vasculature to predict postoperative liver failure: bicentric study. British Journal of Surgery, 109 (6), 554-555. <10.1093/bjs/znac026>. <hal-04526435>.


De'angelis, N., Catena, F., Memeo, R., Coccolini, F., Martínez-pérez, A., Romeo, O., De Simone, B., Di Saverio, S., Brustia, R., Rhaiem, R., Piardi, T., Conticchio, M., Marchegiani, F., Beghdadi, N., Abu-zidan, F., Alikhanov, R., Allard, M.-A., Allievi, N., Amaddeo, G., Ansaloni, L., Andersson, R., Andolfi, E., Azfar, M., Bala, M., Benkabbou, A., Ben-ishay, O., Bianchi, G., Biffl, W., Brunetti, F., Carra, M.C., Casanova, D., Celentano, V., Ceresoli, M., Chiara, O., Cimbanassi, S., Bini, R., Coimbra, R., Luigi De'angelis, G., Decembrino, F., De Palma, A., De Reuver, P., Domingo, C., Cotsoglou, C., Ferrero, A., Fraga, G., Gaiani, F., Gheza, F., Gurrado, A., Harrison, E., Henriquez, A., Hofmeyr, S., Iadarola, R., Kashuk, J., Kianmanesh, R., Kirkpatrick, A., Kluger, Y., Landi, F., Langella, S., Lapointe, R., Le Roy, B., Luciani, A., Machado, F., Maggi, U., Maier, R., Mefire, A., Hiramatsu, K., Ordoñez, C., Patrizi, F., Planells, M., Peitzman, A., Pekolj, J., Perdigao, F., Pereira, B., Pessaux, P., Pisano, M., Puyana, J.C., Rizoli, S., Portigliotti, L., Romito, R., Sakakushev, B., Sanei, B., Scatton, O., Serradilla-martin, M., Schneck, A.-S., Sissoko, M.L., Sobhani, I., Ten Broek, R., Testini, M., Valinas, R., Veloudis, G., Vitali, G.C., Weber, D., Zorcolo, L., Giuliante, F., Gavriilidis, P., Fuks, D., & Sommacale, D. (2021, Jun). 2020 WSES guidelines for the detection and management of bile duct injury during cholecystectomy. World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 16 (1). <10.1186/s13017-021-00369-w>. <hal-03647812>. PDF
Dutheil, F., Parreira, L.M., Eismann, J., Lesage, F.-X., Balayssac, D., Lambert, C., Clinchamps, M., Pezet, D., Pereira, B., & Le Roy, B. (2021, Nov). Burnout in french general practitioners: a nationwide prospective study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22), 1-16. <10.3390/ijerph182212044>. <hal-03483172>. PDF
Sauvey, A., Denis, F., Hégaret, H., Le Roy, B., Lelong, C., Jolly, O., Pavie, M., & Fauchot, J. (2021). Interactions between Filter-Feeding Bivalves and Toxic Diatoms: Influence on the Feeding Behavior of Crassostrea gigas and Pecten maximus and on Toxin Production by Pseudo-nitzschia. Toxins, 13 (8), 577. <10.3390/toxins13080577>. <hal-03423356>. PDF


Bertrand, L.R., Abdallah, M., Espinel, Y., Calvet, L., Pereira, B., Ozgur, E., Pezet, D., Buc, E., & Bartoli, A. (2020, Jul). A case series study of augmented reality in laparoscopic liver resection with a deformable preoperative model. Surgical Endoscopy, 34 (12), 5642-5648. <10.1007/s00464-020-07815-x>. <hal-04628181>.
D'souza, M., Valdimarsson, V., Campagnaro, T., Cauchy, F., Chatzizacharias, N., D'hondt, M., Dasari, B., Ferrero, A., Franken, L., Fusai, G., Guglielmi, A., Hagendoorn, J., Hidalgo Salinas, C., Hoogwater, F.J., Jorba, R., Karanjia, N., Knoefel, W., Kron, P., Lahiri, R., Langella, S., Le Roy, B., Lehwald-tywuschik, N., Lesurtel, M., Lodge, J.P.A., Martinou, E., Molenaar, I., Nikov, A., Poves, I., Rassam, F., Stättner, S., Russolillo, N., Soubrane, O., Li, J., Van Dam, R., Van Gulik, T., Serrablo, A., Gallagher, T., & Sturesson, C. (2020, Sep). Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy --a controversial treatment for bile duct and gallbladder cancer from a European perspective. HPB, 22 (9), 1339-1348. <10.1016/j.hpb.2019.12.008>. <hal-04172485>.
De'angelis, N., Baldini, C., Brustia, R., Pessaux, P., Sommacale, D., Laurent, A., Le Roy, B., Tacher, V., Kobeiter, H., Luciani, A., Paillaud, E., Aparicio, T., Canuï-poitrine, F., & Liuu, E. (2020). Surgical and regional treatments for colorectal cancer metastases in older patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. PLoS ONE, 15 (4), e0230914. <10.1371/journal.pone.0230914>. <hal-02917293>. PDF
De’angelis, N., Martínez-pérez, A., Winter, D., Landi, F., Vitali, G.C., Le Roy, B., Coccolini, F., Brunetti, F., Celentano, V., Di Saverio, S., Ris, F., Fuks, D., & Espin, E. (2020, Feb). Extended right colectomy, left colectomy, or segmental left colectomy for splenic flexure carcinomas: a European multicenter propensity score matching analysis. Surgical Endoscopy. <10.1007/s00464-020-07431-9>. <hal-02532908>.
Espinel, Y., Ozgür, E., Calvet, L., Le Roy, B., Buc, E., & Bartoli, A. (2020, Jun). Combining Visual Cues with Interactions for 3D--2D Registration in Liver Laparoscopy. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 48 (6), 1712-1727. <10.1007/s10439-020-02479-z>. <hal-02866682>.
Le Roy, B., Gallon, A., Cauchy, F., Pereira, B., Gagnière, J., Lambert, C., Yoh, T., Boyer, L., Pezet, D., Buc, E., & Chabrot, P. (2020, Feb). Combined biembolization induces higher hypertrophy than portal vein embolization before major liver resection. HPB, 22 (2), 298-305. <10.1016/j.hpb.2019.08.005>. <hal-02532863>.
Nepogodiev, D., Bhangu, A., Glasbey, J., Li, E., Omar, O., Simoes, J.F., Abbott, T.E., Alser, O., Arnaud, A., Bankhead-kendall, B., Breen, K., Cunha, M., Davidson, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Griffiths, E., Gujjuri, R., Hutchinson, P., Kaafarani, H.M., Lederhuber, H., Löffler, M., Mashbari, H., Minaya-bravo, A., Morton, D., Moszkowicz, D., Pata, F., Tsoulfas, G., Venn, M., Cox, D., Roslani, A., Alakaloko, F., De Vries, J.-P.P., Aaraj, M., Abbott, T.E., Abbott, S., Abdalla, M.O., Abdelaal, A., Ademuyiwa, A., Aherne, T., Ali, O., Alkadeeki, G., Almeida, A., Alrahawy, M., Ambler, G., Alameer, E., Andreani, S., De Andrés-asenjo, B., Antonanzas, L.L., Aoun, S., Ashoush, F., Augestad, K.M., Avellana, R., Ayeni, F., Ayorinde, J.O., Babu, B., Baig, M.M., Bajomo, O., Baker, O., Baker, M., Baldwin, A., Ban, V.S., Baron, R., Barranquero, A., Barry, C., Di Bartolomeo, A., Bass, G., Bath, M., Batjer, H.H., Beamish, A., Belgaumkar, A., Bence, M., Benson, R., Bernal-sprekelsen, J.C., Bhama, A., Bhavaraju, A., Biffl, W., Blundell, C., Boddy, A., Borgstein, A.B., Bosanquet, D., Bosch, K., Bouhuwaish, A.E., Bozkurt, M., Brathwaite, C.E., Brown, B., Brown, O., Brown, A., Buarque, I.L., Bueno-cañones, A., Bulugma, M., Burke, J., Byrne, M.H., Cagigal-ortega, E., Callcut, R., Di Candido, F., Canova, M., Carlos, W., Caruana, E., Cato, L., Catton, A., Ceretti, A.P., Chase, T.J., Chiara, F.D., Chowdhury, A., Chung, E., Cicerchia, P., Clough, E.C., Coleman, N., Collins, C., Collins, M., Colonna, E., Comini, L., Coughlin, P., Cruzado, L.F.-G., Davidson, B., Davies, R., Davies, E., Davis, N., Dawson, B., Dean, B.J., Delgado, M.G.-C., Diaz, J., Dickson, K., Diez-alonso, M., Dixon, J., Doe, M., Drake, T., Drake, F., Duffy, J., Dunne, D.F., Dunne, N.J., Durán-muñoz-cruzado, V., Durst, A.Z., Eardley, N., Edwards, J., Elfallal, A., Elfiky, M.M., Elliott, J., Emile, S., Emslie, K., Endorf, F., Engel, J., Enjuto, D., Etchill, E., Evans, J., Fahey, B., Faria, C., Feo, C., Ferguson, H.J., Fernandez, B.D., Fernandez, A.G., Fernández, A., Fernández-pacheco, B.C., Fitzgerald, J.E., Fonsi, G., Font, R.F., Fowler, A., Fretwell, K., Fructuoso, L.S., Fusai, G., Garcia, M.H., Garcia-ureña, M.A., Gill, C., Gisbertz, S., Del Giudice, R., Giuffrida, M.C., Di Giuseppe, M., Gómez, M.F., Griffiths, E., Guariglia, C., Hainsworth, A., Hall, B., Hall, J.R., Hammond, J., Haqqani, M., Harrison, E., Hazelton, J., Van Heinsbergen, M., Hill, A.D., Hing, C., Hirji, S., Ho, M.W., Holbrook, C., Holme, T., Hopkins, J., Hopkinson, D., Hossain, F., Hudson, V., Hughes, J., Hwang, E.S., Ibrahim, M.A., Isolani, S., Jenkinson, M., Jenny, H., Jeyaretna, D., Jones, R., Jones, A., Jonker, P.K., Jönsson, M., Joyce, D., Kalkwarf, K., Kamarajah, S., El Kassas, M., Kavanagh, D., Keatley, J., Khalefa, M., Khan, J., Kirmani, B., Kisiel, A., Kouris, S.M., Kowal, M., Labib, P., Larkin, J., Lauscher, J., Leclercq, W.K., Ledesma, F.S., Leite-moreira, A., Leung, E.Y., Lewis, S., Lima, M.J., Lin, D., Liu, H., Lowery, A., Lozano, S.M., Luney, C., Maia, M.M., Mariani, N., Marino, M., Marra, A., Marsh, C., Martin, R.C., Mccluney, S., Mcintyre, R., Mckay, S., Mckevitt, K., Meagher, A., Mehdi, M., Mehigan, B., Gonzalez-de Miguel, M., De Miguel-ardevines, M.-C., Mills, S., Mohan, H., Moir, J.A., Monson, J.R., Monteiro, J., Montella, M., Montesinos, C.S., Morgom, M., Moura, F., Muguerza, J., Murphy, S., De Nardi, P., Naumann, D., Neary, P., Neely, D.T., Ng-kamstra, J., Ngu, A.W., Nguyen, T., Nita, G., Nunes, Q., Nygaard, R., O'meara, L., O'neill, J., Okafor, B., Olson, S., Oo, A., Ormazabal, P.C., Osorio, A., Pachl, M., Parry, J., Patel, P., Pérez-sánchez, L., Pevidal, A.N., Pezzuto, A., Philp, M., Pinkney, T., Pollok, J., Povey, M., Poza, A.A., Rajgor, A., Rao, J., Raptis, D., Rice, H., Ridgway, P., Rivas, A.M., Rodriguez-sanjuan, J., Rogers, L., Da Roit, A., Rollett, R., Romera, J., Rooney, S., Roxo, V., Le Roy, B., Rubio, E., Ruiz, C.C., Ruiz, M.L., Ryan, &., Saad, A.R., Saeed, S., Salama, H., Salamah, A., Sampietro, G., Sarma, D., Schaffer, K., Schnitzbauer, A., Scurrah, R., Serevina, O., Serralheiro, P., Sewards, J., Shackcloth, M., Shaw, A., Sheel, A.R., Sica, G., De Simone, V., Singh, A., Singh, R., Skelly, B., Smith, H., Sohail, A., Spalding, D., Springford, L., Ssentongo, A., Steinkamp, P., Stevens, K., Stewart, G., Stylianides, N., Sullivan, T.B., Taher, A.S., Tamimy, M., Tang, A., Tebala, G., Tejero-pintor, F., Thaha, M., Thomas, A., De Toma, G., La Torre, F., Torres, A., Townshend, D., Trout, I., Tucker, S., Ubhi, H., Vega, V., Velmahos, G., Velopulos, C., Viswanath, Y.K., Vivas, A., Wade, R., Wadley, M., Wall, J.J., Walters, A., Warren, O., Weerasinghe, C., Wilkin, R.J., Williams, K., Winter, S., Wormald, J.C., Wright, F., Xyda, S., Young, A., Youssef, M.M., Yousuf, F., El Youzouri, H., Zappa, M., Abate, E., Abdalaziz, H., Abdelkarim, M., Abdou, H., Aboelkassem-ibrahim, A., Abuown, A., Acebes-garcia, F., Acharya, M., Adamina, M., Addae-boateng, E., Aftab, R., Agarwal, A., Aguilar, J., Ahmed, Y., Aitken, E., Al-azzawi, M., Al-embideen, S., Al-masri, M., Al-najjar, H., Al-sukaini, A., Alam, R., Alderson, D., Aliyeva, Z., Aljanadi, F., Almasri, M., Alonso-ortuño, P., Altintoprak, F., Amira, G., Amjad, R., Anania, G., Andabaka, T., Angelou, D., Annamalai, S., Annessi, V., Anthoney, J., Anwar, S., Anwer, M., Aragon-chamizo, J., Ardito, A., Arigoni, M., Armao, T., Arminio, A., Armstrong, L., Arnaud, A., Asaad, P., Ashcroft, J., Ashmore, C., Asqalan, A., Asti, E., Aubry, E., Aytac, E., Ayuso-herrera, E., Baeza, M., Bailon-cuadrado, M., Bakmaz, B., Baldi, C., Baldini, E., Baldo, S., Ballabio, M., Baloyiannis, I., Baltazar, G., Bàmbina, F., Bandiera, A., Barlow, E., Barmasse, R., Barmpagianni, C., Baronio, G., Barra, F., Bartsch, A.-M., Basgaran, A., Basha, A., Bashkirova, V., Bastazza, M., Baumber, R., Belcher, E., Belvedere, A., Benítez-linero, I., Bergeat, D., Bernasconi, M., Bhalla, A., Bhutiani, N., Bianco, F., Bisagni, P., Blake, I., Blanco-colino, R., Blazquez-martin, A., Boal, M., Bonavina, L., Bonavina, G., Bond-smith, G., Booth, K., Borges, F., Borghi, F., Bouchagier, K., Bourke, G., Boyle, E., Brachini, G., Brain, J., Brar, A., Breckles, L., Bretagnol, F., Brixton, G., Bruzzaniti, P., Bueser, T., Burnside, N., Caballero, A., Calcerrada-alises, E., Callahan, M., Camarero, E., Campagnaro, T., Campanelli, M., Candiani, M., Cantalejo-diaz, M., Cao, H., Capelli, P., Capizzi, V., Carcano, G., Carissimi, F., Carlini, M., Carlucci, M., Carmichael, H., Carrasco, M., Carrillo, M., Carvello, M., Casati, M., Castoro, C., Catalan, V., Cavaleiro, S., Cellerino, P., Centinaio, G., Cernei, C., Cerro, C., Cervellera, M., Chakrabortee, S., Chamberlain, S., Chan, J., Chang, G., Chaudhry, D., Chebaro, A., Chen, D., Chetty, G., Chia, Z., Chiappini, A., Chiarugi, M., Chidambaram, S., Chiozza, M., Cholewa, H., Chong, C., Choolani-bhojwani, E., Christoforidis, D., Chui, K., Chung, C., Cirillo, B., Citterio, D., Clermidi, P., Coccolini, F., Colletti, G., Compagnoni, B., Concepción-martín, V., Confalonieri, M., Connolly, H., Conso, C., Conti, L., Cooper, Z., Cordera, F., Corral, J., Costa, M., Costanzi, A., Cotsoglou, C., Cozza, V., Cuming, T., Curtis, M., Cuschieri, J., D'agruma, M., D'andrea, G., Daliya, P., Dare, O., Darko, E., Day, A., Dehal, A., Dehart, D., Delgado-oliver, E., Denning, M., Desai, A., Desender, L., Dester, S., Díaz-garcía, A., Diaz-peña, P., Dousset, B., Doussot, A., Duchateau, N., Duff, S., Dunning, J., Duque-mallen, V., Dziakova, J., Egan, B., Egan, R., El-ali, A., Elfeki, H., Elhadi, M., Eljareh, M., Elkady, R., Elkhafeefi, F., Elmore, U., Elmoslemany, T., Emmerson, O., Enemosah, I., English, C., English, W., Escartin, J., Estaire-gomez, M., Evans, L., Evans, J., Exley, R., Fabbri, N., Falco, G., Familiari, P., Fancellu, A., Farik, S., Farrell, T., Fehervari, M., Fell, A., Fernandez-camuñas, A., Fernández-marín, R., Fernández-martínez, M., Ferrara, F., Ferrari, G., Ferrero, S., Findlay, L., Fiore, M., Fiori, E., Flatman, M., Flindall, I., Flor, B., Fontana, T., Ford, S., Ford, D., Forlani, S., Francone, E., Frattaruolo, C., Frio, F., Gagliano, A., Gagliardi, F., Gahunia, S., Gaino, F., Gala, T., Galfrascoli, E., Galimberti, L., Gallagher, P., Galleano, R., Galván-pérez, A., Gammeri, E., Ganau, M., Garcés-garcía, R., Garulli, G., Gascon-ferrer, I., Gattolin, A., Gaujoux, S., Gentilli, S., Georgiades, F., Ghanbari, A., Ghosh, D., Giacometti, M., Giblin, A.-V., Gilbert, C., Giménez, C., Giorgakis, E., Gipponi, M., Glen, P., Goatly, G., Gobatti, D., Godbole, C., Gohil, K., Gómez, M., Gomez-rosado, J.-C., Gonullu, E., Gonzalez-gonzalez, E., Gordini, L., Gracia, I., Gracia-roche, C., Granieri, S., Green, S., Grivon, M., Grove, T., Guaglio, M., Guaitoli, E., Guglielmi, A., Guha, S., Gustavino, C., Habeeb, A., Hagger, R., Hakmi, H., Halkias, C., Hall, C., Hampton, M., Handa, S., Hansen, L., Haq, I., Harky, A., Harries, R., Harrison, J., Hasan, R., Hawari, M., Hawkin, P., Hebblethwaite, B., Henriques, S., Heritage, E., Hernandez-juara, P., Herrero-lopez, M., Hervieux, E., Heyd, B., Higgs, S., Hitchman, L., Ho, B., Hogan, A., Hölzle, F., Hossain, T., Hurt, L., Hutchinson, P., Iacob, G., Iannone, I., Ibrahim, S., Iovino, D., Isik, A., Jafarova, S., Jamil, T., Jayaraju, U., Jenner, E., Jimenez-higuera, E., Jimeno, J., Jones, M., Judkins, N., Kalavrezos, N., Kalidindi, V., Kalkat, M., Kamal, M., Kamphues, C., Kang, C., Kara, Y., Karam, E., Karim, A., Kashora, F., Kearney, D., Khajuria, A., Khan, U., Khan, A., Khatri, C., Kinnaman, G., Kinross, J., Kler, A., Klimopoulos, S., Kocata\c S, A., Kolias, A., Königsrainer, A., Konsten, J., Kontovounisios, C., Kourdouli, A., Krishnan, E., Kristinsson, S., Kruijff, S., Kudsk-iversen, S., Kufeji, D., Kugler, N., Kulkarni, R., Kurihara, H., Laface, L., Lakkis, Z., Lami, M., Landaluce-olavarria, A., Lapolla, P., Lawani, I., Lawday, S., Lázaro, A., Lecolle, K., Leventoglu, S., Li, Z., Liew, I., Lisi, G., Lizzi, V., Lo, T., Lomiento, D., Longhi, M., Lostis, E., Lostoridis, E., Loubani, M., Lowy-benoliel, A., Lucianetti, A., Luke, L., Lunevicius, R., Luraghi, M., Lye, G., Mabrouk, I., Macchi, A., Macdonald, L., Machairas, N., Madonini, M., Magowan, D., Maisonneuve, E., Majkowska, A., Majkowski, L., Mak, J., Malabarba, S., Malerba, M., Mannan, S., Manson, J., Mansuri, A., Mantoglu, B., Manu, N., Maqsood, A., Marano, A., Marchbank, A., Marcos-santos, P., Marrano, E., Martin, J., Martin, E., Martin, G., Martin-albo, L., Martín-román, L., Martinelli, F., Martínez-depaz, F., Martinez-german, A., Martinez-pinedo, C., Martins, R., Marwan, H., Marzi, F., Mathieu, P., Matute-najarro, M.-S., Maw, A., Mazingi, D., Mazzaferro, V., Mccanny, A., Mckenzie, K., Mclarty, N., Mcpherson, I., Medina, E., Mediratta, S., Medone, M., Mehra, G., Mele, S., Melero-cortés, L., Mendoza-moreno, F., Meneghini, S., Mercante, G., Merdrignac, A., Merola, S., Metallidis, S., Michel, M., Migliore, M., Mihanovic, J., Miller, D., 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Karar, A., Borja De Lacy, F., Blas Laina, J.L., Shane Lester, M.J., Liyanage, A., Al Maadany, F., De Marchi, J., Ramos-de La Medina, A., Mithany, R., Sanchez Del Pueblo, C., Van Ramshorst, G., De Salas, M.M., De Souza, A., Dolores Del Toro, M., Archer, J., Odeh, A., Erridge, S., Salem, H.K., Jones, G., Gardner, A., Tripathi, S., Gregg, A., Jeganathan, R., Siddique, M.H., Lombardi, C., Martin, B., Leo, C.A., Dass, D., Di Franco, G., Jiao, L., Mari, G.M., Capitan-morales, L.-C., Connelly, T., Alanbuki, A., De Virgilio, A., Schilling, C., San Miguel Mendez, C., Kulkarni, G., Nizami, K., Walsh, S., Dean, H., Ruiz-marin, M., Houston, R., Trompetto, M., Chrastek, D., Kouritas, V., Cannoletta, M., Rosato, F., Kaushal, M., Costa, P.M., Elkadi, H., Johnstone, J., Irvine, E., Alvarez, M., Corbellini, C., Venkatesan, G., Mateo-sierra, O., Martínez-pérez, C., Serrano González, J., Hernández Bartolomé, M.&., Díaz Pérez, D., Gutiérrez Samaniego, M., Galindo Jara, P., Sharma, N., Smart, N., & Keller, 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Pointet, A.-L., Tougeron, D., Pernot, S., Pozet, A., Béchade, D., Trouilloud, I., Lourenco, N., Hautefeuille, V., Locher, C., Williet, N., Desrame, J., Artru, P., Soularue, E., Le Roy, B., & Taieb, J. (2020, Jun). Three fluoropyrimidine-based regimens in routine clinical practice after nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for metastatic pancreatic cancer: An AGEO multicenter study. Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 44, 295 - 301. <10.1016/j.clinre.2019.08.009>. <hal-03491049>. PDF
Selvy, M., Le Roy, B., Abjean, A., Veziant, J., Pereira, B., & Slim, K. (2020, Feb). The increasing prominence of "non-surgical" articles in surgical literature. Journal of Visceral Surgery, 157 (1), 37-41. <10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2019.06.012>. <hal-02532823>. PDF
Voron, T., Romain, B., Bergeat, D., Veziant, J., Gagniere, J., Le Roy, B., Pasquer, A., Eveno, C., Gaujoux, S., Pezet, D., Gronnier, C., Collet, D., Lefevre, J.H., Carrere, N., Poncet, G., Glehen, O., Goere, D., Piessen, G., Meunier, B., Tuech, J.-J., Brigand, C., Regenet, N., Regimbeau, J.-M., Msika, S., Karoui, M., & Pocard, M. (2020). Surgical management of gastric adenocarcinoma. Official expert recommendations delivered under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery (AFC). Journal of Visceral Surgery, 157 (2), 117-126. <10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2020.02.006>. <hal-03595657>.


Bachet, J.-B., Moreno-lopez, N., Vigano, L., Marchese, U., Gelli, M., Raoux, L., Truant, S., Laurent, C., Herrero, A., Le Roy, B., Deguelte Lardiere, S., Passot, G., Hautefeuille, V., De La Fouchardiere, C., Artru, P., Ameto, T., Mabrut, J., Schwarz, L., Rousseau, B., Lepère, C., Coriat, R., Brouquet, A., Sa Cunha, A., & Benoist, S. (2019, Jul). BRAF mutation is not associated with an increased risk of recurrence in patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases. British Journal of Surgery, 106 (9), 1237-1247. <10.1002/bjs.11180>. <hal-02748555>.
Gagnière, J., Le Roy, B., Veziant, J., Pereira, B., Narayan, R., Pezet, D., Buc, E., & Dupré, A. (2019, Mar). Pancreaticoduodenectomy with right gastric vessels preservation: impact on intraoperative and postoperative outcomes. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89 (4), E147-E152. <10.1111/ans.14956>. <hal-02533056>.
Le Roy, B., Ozgur, E., Koo, B., Buc, E., & Bartoli, A. (2019, Jun). Augmented reality guidance in laparoscopic hepatectomy with deformable semi-automatic computed tomography alignment (with video). Journal of Visceral Surgery, 156, 261 - 262. <10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2019.01.009>. <hal-03486522>. PDF
Peron, J., Mercier, F., Tuech, J.-J., Younan, R., Sideris, L., Gelli, M., Dumont, F., Le Roy, B., Sgarbura, O., Lo Dico, R., Bibeau, F., Glehen, O., & Passot, G. (2019, Feb). The location of the primary colon cancer has no impact on outcomes in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal metastasis. Surgery, 165 (2), 476-484. <10.1016/j.surg.2018.07.027>. <hal-02462757>. PDF
Sauvey, A., Claquin, P., Le Roy, B., Le Gac, M., & Fauchot, J. (2019). Differential Influence of Life Cycle on Growth and Toxin Production of three Pseudo-nitzschia Species (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology. <10.1111/jpy.12898>. <hal-02292289>. PDF
Williet, N., Saint, A., Pointet, A.-L., Tougeron, D., Pernot, S., Pozet, A., Béchade, D., Trouilloud, I., Lourenço, N., Hautefeuille, V., Locher, C., Desramé, J., Artru, P., Thirot Bidault, A., Le Roy, B., Pezet, D., Phelip, J.-M., & Taïeb, J. (2019, Sep). Folfirinox versus gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel as first-line therapy in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: a comparative propensity score study. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 12, 175628481987866. <10.1177/1756284819878660>. <hal-02532994>. PDF


Bachet, J.-B., Moreno-lopez, N., Viganò, L., Marchese, U., Gelli, M., Raoux, L., Truant, S., Laurent, C., Herrero, A., Le Roy, B., Deguelte Lardiere, S., Passot, G., Hautefeuille, V., De La Fouchardiere, C., Artru, P., Ameto, T., Brouquet, A., Sa Cunha, A., & Benoist, S. (2018, May). What is the prognostic impact of BRAF mutation in patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases? Results of nationwide intergroup (ACHBT, FRENCH, AGEO) cohort of 249 patients.. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36 (15\_suppl), 3554-3554. <10.1200/JCO.2018.36.15\_SUPPL.3554>. <hal-04545421>.
Le Roy, B., Grégoire, E., Cossé, C., Serji, B., Golse, N., Adam, R., Cherqui, D., Mabrut, J.-Y., Le Treut, Y.-P., & Vibert, E. (2018, Aug). Indocyanine Green Retention Rates at 15 min Predicted Hepatic Decompensation in a Western Population. World Journal of Surgery, 42 (8), 2570-2578. <10.1007/s00268-018-4464-6>. <hal-04168676>.
Le Roy, B., Dupré, A., Gallon, A., Chabrot, P., Gagnière, J., & Buc, E. (2018, Oct). Liver hypertrophy: Underlying mechanisms and promoting procedures before major hepatectomy. Journal of Visceral Surgery, 155 (5), 393-401. <10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2018.03.005>. <hal-02095387>.
özgür, E., Koo, B., Le Roy, B., Buc, E., & Bartoli, A. (2018, Aug). Preoperative liver registration for augmented monocular laparoscopy using backward--forward biomechanical simulation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 13 (10), 1629-1640. <10.1007/s11548-018-1842-3>. <hal-04628197>.


Aumont, O., Dupré, A., Abjean, A., Pereira, B., Veziant, J., Le Roy, B., Pezet, D., Buc, E., & Gagnière, J. (2017, Dec). Does intraoperative closed-suction drainage influence the rate of pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy?. BMC Surgery, 17 (1). <10.1186/s12893-017-0257-3>. <hal-01657282>. PDF
Balayssac, D., Pereira, B., Bazin, J.-E., Le Roy, B., Pezet, D., & Gagnière, J. (2017, Jan). Erratum to: Warmed and humidified carbon dioxide for abdominal laparoscopic surgery: meta-analysis of the current literature. Surgical Endoscopy, 31 (1), 13 - 16. <10.1007/s00464-016-5335-6>. <hal-01682151>.
Gagnière, J., Abjean, A., Franz, M., Aumont, O., Pereira, B., Dupré, A., Veziant, J., Le Roy, B., Boyer, L., Pezet, D., & Buc, E. (2017). A Normal Preoperative Lipase Serum Level Is an Easy and Objective Risk Factor of Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy. Pancreas, 46 (9), 1133 - 1140. <10.1097/MPA.0000000000000905>. <hal-01655054>.
Gagniere, J., Abjean, A., Franz, M., Aumont, O., Pereira, B., Dupré, A., Veziant, J., Le Roy, B., Pezet, D., Buc, E., Maran, J.-C., Cassagnes, L., Musset, D., Frydman, R., Mage, G., Canis, M., Ami, O., Nicolas, C., Le Gouge, A., D’alteroche, L., Ayoub, J., Georgescu, M., Vidal, V., Castaing, D., Cercueil, J., Chevallier, P., Roumy, J., Trillaud, H., Boyer, L., Le Pennec, V., Perret, C., Giraudeau, B., & Perarnau, J. (2017, Sep). Evaluation of Doppler-ultrasonography in the diagnosis of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt dysfunction: A prospective study. World journal of hepatology, 9 (27), 1125-1132. <10.4254/wjh.v9.i27.1125>. <hal-02094449>.
Le Roy, B., Dupré, A., Gallon, A., & Buc, E. (2017, Dec). Portal blood pressure and hypoxemia: The 2 main mechanisms of liver regeneration?. Surgery, 162 (6), 1347 - 1348. <10.1016/j.surg.2017.04.019>. <hal-01657700>.
Le Roy, B., Buc, E., Hordonneau, C., Veziant, J., Pezet, D., & Gagnière, J. (2017, Feb). An original technique of venous autoplasty after duodenopancreatectomy for tumors involving the infrarenal inferior vena cava. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2017 (2), 1 - 3. <10.1093/jscr/rjx011>. <hal-01657312>. PDF
Le Roy, B., Perrey, A., Fontarensky, M., Gagnière, J., Abergel, A., Pereira, B., Lambert, C., Boyer, L., Pezet, D., Chabrot, P., & Buc, E. (2017, Jul). Combined Preoperative Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (Biembolization) to Improve Liver Regeneration Before Major Liver Resection: A Preliminary Report. World Journal of Surgery, 41 (7), 1848 - 1856. <10.1007/s00268-017-4016-5>. <hal-01655045>.
Phutane, P., Buc, E., Poirot, K., özgür, E., Pezet, D., Bartoli, A., & Le Roy, B. (2017, Aug). Preliminary trial of augmented reality performed on a laparoscopic left hepatectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. <10.1007/s00464-017-5733-4>. <hal-01657257>.
Veziant, J., Antomarchi, O., Pezet, D., Daniel, G., & Le Roy, B. (2017, Apr). Laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with type D2 lymphadenectomy for adenocarcinoma (hybrid procedure) (with video). Journal of Visceral Surgery, 154 (2), 135 - 136. <10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2017.03.002>. <hal-01682158>.


Balayssac, D., Pereira, B., Bazin, J.-E., Le Roy, B., Pezet, D., & Gagnière, J. (2016, Mar). Warmed and humidified carbon dioxide for abdominal laparoscopic surgery: meta-analysis of the current literature. Surgical Endoscopy, 31 (1), 1-12. <10.1007/s00464-016-4866-1>. <hal-04327761>.
Le Roy, B., Tixier, L., Pereira, B., Sauvanet, P., Buc, E., Pétorin, C., Déchelotte, P., Pezet, D., & Balayssac, D. (2016). Assessment of the relation between the expression of oxaliplatin transporters in colorectal cancer and response to FOLFOX-4 adjuvant chemotherapy: A case control study. PLoS ONE, 11 (2), 1-12. <10.1371/journal.pone.0148739>. <hal-02635623>. PDF
Le Roy, B., Pereira, B., Bouteloup, C., Costes, F., Richard, R., Selvy, M., Pétorin, C., Gagnière, J., Futier, E., Slim, K., Meunier, B., Mabrut, J.-Y., Mariette, C., & Pezet, D. (2016). Effect of prehabilitation in gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma: study protocol of a multicentric, randomised, control trial-the PREHAB study. BMJ Open, 6 (12), n. <10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012876>. <hal-01465152>. PDF


Bazin, P., Jouenne, F., Friedl, T., Deton-cabanillas, A.-F., Le Roy, B., & Véron, B. (2014, Apr). Phytoplankton Diversity and Community Composition along the Estuarine Gradient of a Temperate Macrotidal Ecosystem: Combined Morphological and Molecular Approaches. PLoS ONE, 9 (4), e94110. <10.1371/journal.pone.0094110>. <hal-02053813>. PDF
Le Roy, B., Gagniere, J., Pezet, D., Buc, E., Tavernier, J., Fagnoni, P., Chabrot, P., Guiu, B., Vadot, L., Aho, S., Boyer, L., Abergel, A., Hillon, P., Sautou, V., & Boulin, M. (2014, Dec). Non-lethal Right Liver Atrophy After TIPS Occlusion in A Cirrhotic Patient: Introducing The Hepatic Biembolization. Anticancer Research, 34 (12), 7247-53. <10.1007/s11605-016-3133-z>. <hal-02095434>.
Thorel, M., Fauchot, J., Morelle, J., Raimbault, V., Le Roy, B., Miossec, C., Bouchart, V., & Claquin, P. (2014, Oct). Interactive effects of irradiance and temperature on growth and domoic acid production of the toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis (Bacillariophyceae). Harmful Algae, 39, 232-241. <10.1016/j.hal.2014.07.010>. <hal-02433668>.


Klein, C., Claquin, P., Bouchart, V., Le Roy, B., & Véron, B. (2010, Feb). Dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and domoic acid production in a macrotidal ecosystem of the Eastern English Channel (Normandy, France). Harmful Algae, 9 (2), 218-226. <10.1016/j.hal.2009.10.004>. <hal-02433681>.

Communication dans un congrès


Delplanque, B., Mendy, F., Combe, N., Fenart, E., Boue-vaisse, C., Le Roy, B., & Thaminy, A. (2004, May). Increased bioavailability and bioconversion of alpha-linolenic (ALA) in plasma of healthy humans by increasing the ALA intake from rapeseed vegetable oil. Paper presented at the 95. AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society) Annual Meeting & Expo, Cincinnatti, United States, 1. <hal-02833364>.



Le Roy, B. (2019, May). Radiovascular and imaging techniques in the therapeutic management of liver tumours. <tel-02612835>. PDF