+33 2 31 56 55 96

Thèmes de recherche

Sujet de recherche principal : Etude des mécanismes physiologiques associés à la reproduction et aux systèmes de défense chez les organismes marins (Mollusques, Crustacés, Téléostéens). Caractérisation des protéines et peptides fonctionnels  Analyse de (neuro)peptidomes, de protéomes et sécrétomes.

Recherche appliquée : Recherche et développement de peptides bioactifs (antimicrobiens, antioxydants et neurotoxiques) à partir de matrices biologiques complexes d’origine marine.

Mots clés : Reproduction, Immunité, Céphalopodes, Bivalves, Neuropeptides, Peptides antimicrobiens, Aquaculture.

Approches : Transcriptomique (Séquençage haut débit) – Peptidomique – Protéomique (purification HPLC, SDS page, identification en spectrométrie de masse) – Tests fonctionnels (toxicité, antibacteriens, myotrope….)

Développement du logiciel PepTraq

Enseignements et diffusions des connaissances

  • Biologie de la reproduction et du développement (L2)
  • Biologie et physiologie animales (L3)
  • Physiologie de la perception et de la communication chimique au sein du règne animal.(L3)
  • Immunité et Systèmes de défense (L3)
  • Etude des protéines (de la traduction à la sécretion…) (M1)
  • Pisciculture (Immunité, pathologies, Conditions sanitaires) – Aquariophilie récifale – Elevage de crustacés- Biomolécules d’origine marine (M2)


Responsabilités administratives

Depuis 2025     Directrice du laboratoire MERSEA – Marine Ecosystems and oRganisms reSEArch Lab, UniCaen.

2020-2024        Directrice Adjointe du laboratoire BOREA « Biologie des ORganismes et  Ecosystèmes Aquatiques » UMR CNRS-8067 , IRD-207, MNHN, SU, UniCaen , UA.

2017-2021        Co-Responsable du parcours « Biologie et Physiologie des Organismes » de la 3ème année de Licence Mention Sciences de la vie.

2012-2016        Membre élue au Conseil des Formations et de la Vie Universitaire (CFVU), UniCaen

Depuis 2010      Membre du CENOMEXA Comité d’éthique en Matière d’Expérimentation Animale

Depuis 2012      Membre du Comité de Sélection de la 68eme section

Depuis 2020      Membre du CNU 68ème section (membre nommé puis élue)

2024-2028         Membre élue à la Commission de la recherche UniCaen

Galerie d'images

Article dans une revue


Bouras, H., Quesnelle, Y., Trancart, S., Blin, J.-L., Savary, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Houssin, M. (2024). Influence of strains in development of francisellosis in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis during experimental challenges. Aquaculture Reports, 36, 102135. <10.1016/j.aqrep.2024.102135>. <hal-04578901>. PDF
Larivain, A., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Gonzalez, E., Pierce, G., Power, A., & Robin, J.-P. (2024). Progress in the analysis of English Channel loliginid squid diets using DNA-metabarcoding techniques. Marine Biology, 171 (7), 135. <10.1007/s00227-024-04448-9>. <hal-04601649>. PDF


Bouras, H., Quesnelle, Y., Barozet, A., Goux, D., Blin, J.-L., Savary, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Houssin, M. (2023, Jun). First isolation of Francisella halioticida strains from blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in Normandy, France. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 107950. <10.1016/j.jip.2023.107950>. <hal-04149187>.
Zanuttini, B., Henry, J., Couronne, C., Ouali, A., Robert, V., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2023, May). PepTraq: a toolbox for in silico data mining and fast sequence filtering. Amino Acids, 55 (5), 709-712. <10.1007/s00726-023-03251-y>. <hal-04189550>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Hervé, O., Dubos, M.-P., Rabet, N., Henry, J., Liittschwager, K., & Fabienne, A. (2023, Oct). Differential analysis of the haemolymph proteome of Carcinus maenas parasitized by Sacculina carcini (Cirripeda, Rhizocephala) reveals potential mechanisms of parasite control. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 141, 109064. <10.1016/j.fsi.2023.109064>. <hal-04460110>.


Brégeon, M., Tomas, D., Bernay, B., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Georgeault, S., Labas, V., Réhault-godbert, S., & Guyot, N. (2022, Jan). Multifaceted roles of the egg perivitelline layer in avian reproduction: Functional insights from the proteomes of chicken egg inner and outer sublayers. Journal of Proteomics, 258, 104489. <10.1016/j.jprot.2022.104489>. <hal-03541518>. PDF
Endress, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Leprince, J., Lefranc, B., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., Bernay, B., Leduc, A., Rangama, J., Mouret, L., Lafont, A.-G., Bondon, A., & Henry, J. (2022, Aug). Structural and functional characterization of orcokinin B-like neuropeptides in the cuttlefish ($Sepia\ officinalis$). Marine drugs, 20 (8), 505. <10.3390/md20080505>. <hal-03777035>. PDF
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Corre, E., Zanuttini, B., Endress, M., Bernay, B., Pontin, J., Leduc, A., & Henry, J. (2022, Jun). Identification of a New Set of Polypeptidic Sex Pheromones from Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Marine Biotechnology, 24 (3), 574-587. <10.1007/s10126-022-10126-y>. <hal-03959186>.


Houyvet, B., Bouchon-navaro, Y., Bouchon, C., Corre, E., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2021, Sep). Marine Transcriptomics Analysis for the Identification of New Antimicrobial Peptides. Marine drugs, 19 (9), 490. <10.3390/md19090490>. <hal-03329592>. PDF


Benoist, L., Houyvet, B., Henry, J., Corre, E., Zanuttini, B., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2020, Sep). In-Depth In Silico Search for Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) Antimicrobial Peptides Following Bacterial Challenge of Haemocytes. Marine drugs, 18 (9), 439. <10.3390/md18090439>. <hal-02965337>. PDF
Benoist, L., Corre, E., Bernay, B., Henry, J., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2020). Omic Analysis of the Sepia officinalis White Body: New Insights into Multifunctionality and Haematopoiesis Regulation. Journal of Proteome Research, 19 (8), 3072-3087. <10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00100>. <hal-02965333>. PDF
Daniel Koua, N., Núñez-rodríguez, J., Orjuela, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Dubos, M.-P., Bernay, B., Pontin, J., Corre, E., & Henry, J. (2020, Jun). Identification and structural characterization of the factors involved in vitellogenesis and its regulation in the African Osteoglossiforme of aquacultural interest Heterotis niloticus (Cuvier, 1829). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 113532. <10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113532>. <hal-02867550>. PDF
Shikina, S., Chiu, Y.-L., Zhang, Y., Yao, Y.-C., Liu, T.-Y., Tsai, P.-H., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Chang, C.-F. (2020). Involvement of GLWamide neuropeptides in polyp contraction of the adult stony coral Euphyllia ancora. Scientific Reports, 10, 9427. <10.1038/s41598-020-66438-3>. <hal-02867544>. PDF


Houyvet, B., Leduc, A., Cornet, V., Pontin, J., Benoist, L., Bernay, B., Henry, J., Vetois, E., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2019, Jun). Behavior of Antimicrobial Peptide K4 in a Marine Environment. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 11, 676--686. <10.1007/s12602-018-9454-3>. <hal-01991157>.


Endress, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Corre, E., Le Corguille, G., Benoist, L., Leprince, J., Lefranc, B., Bernay, B., Leduc, A., Rangama, J., Lafont, A.-G., Bondon, A., & Henry, J. (2018, May). Crustacean cardioactive peptides Expression, localization, structure, and a possible involvement in regulation of egg-laying in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 260, 67-79. <10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.12.009>. <hal-01744294>. PDF
Houyvet, B., Zanuttini, B., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., Henry, J., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2018, Nov). Design of antimicrobial peptides from a cuttlefish database. Amino Acids, 50 (11), 1573-1582. <10.1007/s00726-018-2633-4>. <hal-01991164>.
Houyvet, B., Bouchon-navaro, Y., Bouchon, C., Goux, D., Bernay, B., Corre, E., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2018, Jan). Identification of a moronecidin-like antimicrobial peptide in the venomous fish Pterois volitans: Functional and structural study of pteroicidin-$\alpha$. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 72, 318-324. <10.1016/j.fsi.2017.11.003>. <hal-01991168>.
Leduc, A., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Robert, M., Corre, E., Corguille, G.L., Castel, H., Lefevre-scelles, A., Fournier, V., Gisbert, E., Andree, K., & Henry, J. (2018). Dietary aquaculture by-product hydrolysates: impact on the transcriptomic response of the intestinal mucosa of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed low fish meal diets. BMC Genomics, 19, 396. <10.1186/s12864-018-4780-0>. <hal-01973434>. PDF
Schwartz, J., Dubos, M.-P., Pasquier, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Favrel, P. (2018, Dec). Emergence of a cholecystokinin/sulfakinin signalling system in Lophotrochozoa. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 16424. <10.1038/s41598-018-34700-4>. <hal-01927201>. PDF


Cornet, V., Henry, J., Goux, D., Duval, E., Bernay, B., Le Corguillé, G., Corre, E., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2015). How Egg Case Proteins Can Protect Cuttlefish Offspring?. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), e0132836. <10.1371/journal.pone.0132836>. <hal-01991188>. PDF
Cornet, V., Henry, J., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2015, Nov). The Toll/NF-κB pathway in cuttlefish symbiotic accessory nidamental gland. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 53 (1), 42-46. <10.1016/j.dci.2015.06.016>. <hal-01991195>.
Robert, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Fournier, V., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., Bernay, B., & Henry, J. (2015, Mar). Molecular characterization of peptide fractions of a Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by-product hydrolysate and in vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity. Process Biochemistry, 50 (3), 487-492. <10.1016/j.procbio.2014.12.022>. <hal-01991227>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Cornet, V., Leduc, A., Zanuttini, B., Corre, E.A., Le Corguillé, G., Bernay, B.B., Gardères, J., Kraut, A., Couté, Y., & Henry, J. (2015, Dec). Neuropeptidome of the Cephalopod Sepia officinalis : Identification, Tissue Mapping, and Expression Pattern of Neuropeptides and Neurohormones during Egg Laying. Journal of Proteome Research, 15 (1), 48-67. <10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00463>. <hal-02191510>.


Cornet, V., Henry, J., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., Zanuttini, B., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2014, Aug). Dual role of the cuttlefish salivary proteome in defense and predation. Journal of Proteomics, 108, 209-222. <10.1016/j.jprot.2014.05.019>. <hal-01991240>.
Dulin, F., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Ballandonne, C., Guillet, B., Bonafos, R., Bureau, R., & Halm-lemeille, M.-P. (2014). Protecting honey bees: identification of a new varroacide by in silico, in vitro, and in vivo studies.. Parasitology Research, 113, 4601-4610. <hal-01116481>.
Gardères, J., Henry, J., Bernay, B., Ritter, A., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Wiens, M., Müller, W.E.G., & Le Pennec, G. (2014). Cellular Effects of Bacterial N-3-Oxo-Dodecanoyl-L-Homoserine Lactone on the Sponge Suberites domuncula (Olivi, 1792): Insights into an Intimate Inter-Kingdom Dialogue.. PLoS ONE, 9 (5), e97662. <10.1371/journal.pone.0097662>. <hal-01023189>. PDF
Robert, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Fournier, V., Corre, E., Le Corguillé, G., Bernay, B., & Henry, J. (2014, Sep). Transcriptomic and peptidomic analysis of protein hydrolysates from the white shrimp (L. vannamei). African Journal of Biotechnology, 186, 30-37. <hal-01991237>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Favrel, P. (2014, Oct). Diversity of the RFamide Peptide Family in Mollusks. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 5. <10.3389/fendo.2014.00178>. <hal-02154046>. PDF


Henry, J., Cornet, V., Bernay, B., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2013, Aug). Identification and expression of two oxytocin/vasopressin-related peptides in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Peptides, 46, 159-166. <10.1016/j.peptides.2013.05.004>. <hal-01991217>.


Bigot, L., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Rodet, F., Bernay, B., Boudry, P., & Favrel, P. (2012, Apr). Characterization of GnRH-related peptides from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas.. Peptides, 34 (2), 303-10. <10.1016/j.peptides.2012.01.017>. <hal-00788233>.
Enault, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Bernay, B., Lefranc, B., Leprince, J., Baudy-floc'h, M., & Henry, J. (2012). A complex set of sex pheromones identified in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis.. PLoS ONE, 7 (10), e46531. <10.1371/journal.pone.0046531>. <hal-00870790>. PDF
Enault, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Bernay, B., Lefranc, B., Leprince, J., Baudy-floc'h, M., & Henry, J. (2012). A complex set of sex pheromones identified in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis.. PLoS ONE, 7 (10), e46531. <10.1371/journal.pone.0046531>. <hal-01939196>. PDF
Laurencin, M., Legrand, B., Duval, E., Henry, J., Baudy-floc'h, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Bondon, A. (2012, Mar). From a marine neuropeptide to antimicrobial pseudopeptides containing aza-$\beta$(3)-amino acids: structure and activity.. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 55 (5), 2025-34. <10.1021/jm2011595>. <inserm-00713241>. PDF


Legrand, B., Laurencin, M., Sarkis, J., Duval, E., Mouret, L., Hubert, J.-F., Collen, M., Vié, V., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Baudy-floc'h, M., & Bondon, A. (2011, Jan). Structure and mechanism of action of a de novo antimicrobial detergent-like peptide.. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta:Biomembranes, 1808 (1), 106-16. <10.1016/j.bbamem.2010.08.020>. <hal-00586809>.


Labreuche, Y., Le Roux, F., Henry, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Huvet, A., Lambert, C., Soudant, P., Mazel, D., & Nicolas, J.-L. (2010). Vibrio aestuarianus zinc metalloprotease causes lethality in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and impairs the host cellular immune defenses. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 29 (5), 753-758. <10.1016/j.fsi.2010.07.007>. <hal-00670371>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Bernay, B., Zanuttini, B., Leprince, J., Vaudry, H., & Henry, J. (2010, Feb). Characterization of a novel LFRFamide neuropeptide in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis. Peptides, 31 (2), 207-214. <10.1016/j.peptides.2009.11.021>. <hal-01977171>.


Yang, Y., Poncet, J., Garnier, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Bachère, E., & Aumelas, A. (2003, Sep). Solution Structure of the Recombinant Penaeidin-3, a Shrimp Antimicrobial Peptide. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (38), 36859-36867. <10.1074/jbc.M305450200>. <hal-01991077>. PDF


Henry, J., & Zatylny-gaudin, C. (2002). Identification and tissue mapping of APGWamide-related peptides in Sepia officinalis using LC-ESI-MS/MS.. Peptides. <hal-01991091>.


Henry, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Favrel, P. (2000). HPLC and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry as tools for the identification of APGWamide-related peptides in gastropod and bivalve mollusks: comparative activities on Mytilus muscles.. Brain Research. <hal-01991107>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Durantou, F., Boucaud-camou, E., & Henry, J. (2000, Feb). Evidence of 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis in the follicles ofSepia officinalis and direct involvement in the control of egg-laying. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 55 (2), 182-188. <hal-01991111>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Gagnon, J., Boucaud-camou, E., & Henry, J. (2000, Oct). The SepOvotropin: A New Ovarian Peptide Regulating Oocyte Transport in Sepia officinalis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 276 (3), 1013-1018. <hal-01991100>.
Zatylny-gaudin, C., Gagnon, J., Boucaud-camou, E., & Henry, J. (2000, Aug). ILME: A Waterborne Pheromonal Peptide Released by the Eggs of Sepia officinalis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 275 (1), 217-222. <hal-01991104>.


Henry, J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Boucaud-camou, E. (1999). Peptidergic control of egg-laying in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis: involvement of FMRFamide and FMRFamide-related peptides.. Peptides. <hal-01991116>.

Communication dans un congrès


Bouras, H., Quesnelle, Y., Trancart, S., Blin, J.L., Savary, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Houssin, M. (2023, Sep). \textlessi\textgreaterFrancisella halioticida\textless/i\textgreater's towards the mussel \textlessi\textgreaterMytilus edulis\textless/i\textgreater is strain-dependent. Paper presented at the 21st international Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shelfish, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. <hal-04233213>.
Bouras, H., Quesnelle, Y., Trancart, S., Blin, J.L., Savary, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., & Houssin, M. (2023, Sep). Genomic comparison of Francisella halioticida. Paper presented at the 21st international Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shelfish, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. <hal-04221305>.


Brégeon, M., Tomas, D., Bernay, B., Chessé, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Labas, V., Réhault-godbert, S., & Guyot, N. (2022, Aug). Proteome and biological functions of inner and outer perivitelline layers in the chicken egg. Paper presented at the 26. World’s Poultry Congress, Paris, France, ID: 1676. <hal-03750662>. PDF


Brégeon, M., Bernay, B., Labas, V., Chessé, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Réhault-godbert, S., & Guyot, N. (2019, Aug). Proteomic study of inner and outer hen egg vitelline membranes: insights into the biological functions of vitelline membrane layers. Paper presented at the Combined Worshop of ''Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal development in Poultry'' and ''Incubation and Fertility Research Group'', Tours, France. <hal-03624410>.
Brégeon, M., Bernay, B., Labas, V., Chessé, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Réhault-godbert, S., & Guyot, N. (2019, Oct). Etude protéomique et fonctionnelle des couches interne et externe de la membrane vitelline de l’œuf de poule. Paper presented at the 32. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Seillac, France. <hal-03624477>.
Goindin, D., Bruggemann, J.H., Guillaume, M., Hedouin, L., Berteaux-lecellier, V., Lopez, P.J., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Bouchon, C., & René-trouillefou, M. (2019, Oct). Beneficial micro-organisms for corals (BMC) health investigation within Porites astreoides dominant caribbean coral reef species microbiome. Paper presented at the Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting 2019, Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), France. <hal-02425452>.


Legrand, B., Laurencin, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Bondon, A., & Baudy-floc'h, M. (2010, Sep). Structural Features of Antimicrobial Aza-$\beta$3-peptides. Paper presented at the 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhague, Denmark, 240-241. <hal-00872143>.
Legrand, B., Laurencin, M., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Bondon, A., & Baudy-floc'h, M. (2010, Nov). Antimicrobial aza-$\beta$3-peptides : Structure-activity relationship?. Paper presented at the ICAR 2010, Valladolid, Spain, 7-8. <hal-00873053>.


Laurencin, M., Legrand, B., Mouret, L., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Fleury, Y., Bondon, A., & Floc'h Baudy, M. (2009, Jun). Auto-assembling antimicrobial cyclic pseudopeptides including aza-$\beta$3-amino acids RBPGO4.. Paper presented at the 4 èmes Rencontres de Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest, Ile de Berder, France. <hal-00457152>.
Legrand, B., Laurencin, M., Collen, M., Sarkis, J., Duval, E., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Vié, V., Henry, J., Baudy-floc'h, M., & Bondon, A. (2009, Jun). Peptides antimicrobiens : caractérisation et amélioration de l'activité RBPGO4.. Paper presented at the 4 èmes Rencontres de Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest, Ile de Berder, France. <hal-00457791>.


Legrand, B., Mouret, L., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Bondon, A., Floc'h Baudy, M., & Laurencin, M. (2008, Aug). Auto-assembling Antimicrobial Cyclic Pseudopeptides including Aza-$\beta$3-Amino Acids.. Paper presented at the 30th European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki, France, 14 (8), 60. <hal-00457125>.


Laurencin, M., Legrand, B., Bondon, A., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Arlot-bonnemains, Y., Henry, J., & Baudy Floc'h, M. (2007, Dec). Auto-assemblages pseudopeptidiques à activité antimicrobienne.. Paper presented at the 1ères Journées aux interfaces Chimie- Biologie - Biophysique (ChimBIOPhys), Rennes, 11 et 12 décembre 2007, Rennes, France. <hal-00207933>.


Leduc, A., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Corre, E., Lefevre-scelles, A., Castel, H., Fournier, V., Gisbert, E., & Henry, J. (2017, Oct). Transcriptomic response of intestine to low fish meal diet and dietary marine hydrolysates in european seabass (dicentrarchus labrax). Paper presented at the International Conference of the European Aquaculture Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia. <hal-02340456>.


Corvaisier, S., Dauphin, F., Zatylny-gaudin, C., Henry, J., Bellanger, C., & Jozet-alves, C. (2015, Jun). Searching for a 5-HT receptor in the brain of a cephalopod mollusc, Sepia officinalis. Paper presented at the 16ème Rencontre du Club de Neurobiologie des Invertébrés, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. <hal-02436439>.